Chapter 40: Part 2

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“You have to be honest ok?” he said.

“I know,” I said hesitantly. What was his next question going to be!?

“Why do you,” he paused, “Like me?” he asked me smugly.

“What?” I said before I could stop myself. My heart was beating a bit more louder than normal. All I could think about were everyone’s voices and how they claimed I liked Cesc. Right now, here he was, claiming I liked him.

“Why do you like me?” he said again.

“Well I don’t, I don’t really know you,” I said quickly avoiding his eyes.

“Jade,” he paused, “You do know I mean as a friend right?” he said as I felt relived.

“Unless you li-,” he began saying playfully.

“No, I don’t like you like that,” I said trying to hide what I thought he meant. He narrowed his eyes at me.

“Well, I mean, despite the fact that I am the best player in the world, and the best looking,” he said jokingly as we both laughed with each other.

“Well from what I know? Well it isn’t much but I like you because,” I paused for a bit, “Hmm, you are kind, caring, charming,” I said as I paused after every word. He batted his eyelashes playfully after the word “charming.” “And you just get me,” I said. The last part just kind of came out, I didn’t even think about it, it just flowed and made sense with everything else. I thought of it for a split second and it was the truth, Cesc just got me, I didn’t even guard myself around him. I was always comfortable and myself around him despite barely knowing him for that long. Wait, so what does this mean exactly? I guess that we are supposed to be close friends I thought reasoning with myself. There was no real other reason I could think of.

“And I’m good-looking,” he said as I laughed a bit.

“Yes, I guess you can say that, I mean you’re not too bad to look at” I said jokingly to him. “I actually have a question,” I asked him.

“Oh changing the rules are we?” he said.

“No, not about this question thing,” I said.

“Yes?” he asked seriously. He could tell that I was changing the topic with just my tone. It seems like he did just get me.

“It’s about Marc,” I said.

“Oh. I heard about what he did, the roses,” he said shaking his head.

“I know! Red ones! Elena’s favorite!” I said.

“Well every woman’s favorite,” he said.

“Not mine,” I said.

“Really? You don’t like red roses? Now that is strange,” he said.

“Hey! I don’t mind them but I just love yellow roses,” I said.

“I’ll remember that for future reference,” he said.

“Yeah but anyway you were supposed to tell me about Marc last time,” I said.

“Yes, look Marc is a good guy,” he said and within a split second I felt a bit bad for being so judgmental about him.

“But,” he paused, “I just take it Elena is serious when it comes to relationships and Marc is not that serious,” he told me. Once again my thoughts of what I was thinking all along came back.

“What do you mean exactly?” I said just wanting to make sure I was understanding what he was saying.

“Well he never dates anyone exclusively. If Elena likes him she will have to accept that he dates multiple people at the same time,” he said. It felt worse when he confirmed my suspicions. I felt like I had to do something.

“And currently he has a long term on-again off-again girlfriend,” he said.

“Then why is he playing with Elena’s feelings?” I said emotionally.

“Look it seems he does genuinely like her-,” he said.

“But what does that mean? He can’t stay faithful to her and she deserves better,” I said.

“Maybe, but isn’t that for her to decide?” he asked me.

“You’re saying it’s fine?” I said not believing that the one person who made me believe I’m not wrong is now siding with everyone against me.

“I’m just saying what if for Elena he finally chooses to be exclusive with her?” he said.

“I can’t believe you’re siding with everyone else,” I said feeling a bit hurt but annoyed as well.

“I’m not siding with anyone but Marc deserves a chance,” he said and maybe he was right.

“But at the expense of Elena’s feelings?” I said questioning him.

“Look all I’m saying is tell her the truth and then see how she reacts. It’s her decision but she has the right to know everything before she makes her decision,” he said getting up. I could tell he was rather leaving before we ended up fighting.

“You’re right,” I said admitting he had a point. I could admit if I was wrong in front of him because I knew he wouldn’t be like “I told you so.” He turned around and looked at me.

“Really?” he asked me.

“I just, Elena falls so hard and when she loves someone she gives them her heart. I’ve seen her get hurt and I just don’t want her to go through it again,” I told him. I could see he understood what I meant.

“I can see what you mean but remember Jade, you can’t worry about if Elena is making the right decision for the rest of your life. If she is wrong, she will learn the hard way but she knows that you will always be around because you worry about her so much.

“She told you that?” I asked him not understanding how he knew that.

“No, I can just tell that’s who you are,” he said now taking his bag.

“Where are you going?” I asked him.

“I have dinner tonight,” he said. “I’ll see you later ok? Take care of your arm,” he said touching my arm.

“Yeah, I will. Thanks for everything and enjoy your dinner,” I said.

“I will, bye Jade,” he said as he was about to walk out the door.

“Bye Cesc,” I said and I thought he was gone.

“Jade,” he said just poking his head back. I looked up at him.

“I know you worry about everyone but who ever worries about you?” he asked me and I couldn’t answer him.

“Worry about yourself and if something bad happens you need to remember it’s not your fault,” he told me, “I’ll see you,” he said as he left.

I was stuck there thinking of all the things he told me and right now my head was spinning. I didn’t know what to think anymore.

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