Chapter 41: Cutting Me Deep

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After working three days straight I was ahead of time and my plan was finished for the weekend match. I had just emailed it to Hector. I wanted to start on the AC Milan one though because for Barca it was important and I wanted them to win that. It was only the first Thursday of the week but it already felt like a month. So much has happened in such a short space of time.  Yesterday there wasn’t much talking between Elena and I but because she never gave me a chance. I needed to let her know about Marc. She was bound to come in the office sometime today and that would be the time I’d speak to her. The door opened and in walked Elena. She didn’t acknowledge my presence and went to sit by her desk. Seemed like it would be sooner than later.

“Elena-,” I began to say.

“I don’t want to hear it Jade-,” she said but I cut her off firmly this time.

“No you have to because you need to know,” I said importantly and she stayed silent at me waiting for me to carry on.

“Look I know you like Marc and I accept that,” I said.

“You do? Because you seem to shoot him down every chance you get,” she said.

“Look if you’re honestly considering a relationship with him then you need to know who he is,” I said.

“Oh, let me guess he had a girlfriend?” she asked me mockingly.

“Yes, for nine months. And he doesn’t have a girlfriend, he has girlfriends,” I said and her expression changed.

“What do you mean?” Elena asked a bit unsure.

“He doesn’t date anyone exclusively, he has open relationships,” I said to her.

“Who told you this?” she asked me.

“Cesc and he would know-,” I said as she cut me off.

“How do you know?” she asked.

“He has no reason to lie Elena,” I said.

“Look, Marc told me he doesn’t have a girlfriend,” she said.

“Which is technically the truth, he doesn’t stick with one girl,” I said. Elena looked like she didn’t want to believe me.

“Well what if he really doesn’t have other girls?” she asked me. That was Elena, always hoping for the best.

“Ok even then, he’s a player Elena, he’ll get girls soon,” I said to her.

“But he can change,” she said and I could not believe what I was hearing.

“Elena you can’t be serious,” I said.

“Look, every person deserves a chance, he hasn’t done anything to make me believe he is lying,” she said.

“But-,” I said.

“Maybe he was a player but what if we’re meant to be? What if he stays faithful to me?”she asked.

“But what if he doesn’t?” I asked her, “You’re acting delusional!” I said getting frustrated.

“This is how you always are,” she said getting irritated as well. “You know what? I won’t know if I don’t give him a chance. And stop trying to act like a relationship expert ok? Just because you have never had a proper one is not my fault. I mean face it, you’ve never had a proper boyfriend and here you are trying to tell me what to do in terms of relationships? I have had boyfriends ok? I’m not like you, who enjoys being by herself, I’ve had guys ask me out. Not my fault if no one likes you,” she said bitterly and she hurt me. What she said might have been true in some ways but it wasn’t like that at all. Guys have come up and asked me out but I never really liked them and what was the point then? Wasn’t the whole reason you get a boyfriend is because it’s someone you like and connect with on a more personal level? What would be the point of saying yes to them when I knew it would never work out anyway? It’s not me being negative, some people you can tell you just don’t click with them. I never saw the point of dating a person unless I saw it as a long term relationship. If I ever did find that guy for me, I would give him my everything but I can’t give myself to someone I would never truly love. It was just how I was.

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