Chapter 45: An Employee

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“He is so amazing,” Demi said and I knew she was referring to Alexis and I could not argue with what she said.

“They are,” I said to her referring to the players in general. They have all been so kind to us despite their fame and fortune. I guess it made me love the players of the club even more.

“Yeah you clearly love Cesc,” Demi said as I looked at her in shock.

“You didn’t know you were thinking out loud did you?” she smiled shrewdly.

“No,” I sighed, I needed to be careful, I did not want to do that in front of any of the players.

“Well let’s get going,” Demi said.

“Yeah, but I’m kinda hungry, I didn’t really eat much today,” I told her.

“Yeah with everything that happened, how bout we go get something to eat?” she said as we were walking. We found a nice decent restaurant not too far from the stadium and ate there. It was nice chatting to Demi, especially since we have been apart for so long. We finally finished and headed home but this time I didn’t dread seeing Elena. In fact I was going to tell her how I felt if she provoked me. I was tired of sitting back. I arrived to an empty apartment and felt relived, if I didn’t have to deal with Elena it would be easier. I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and then went to sit on the couch. I decided to watch some series we had brought. I decided a comedy was in order and put on the Big Bang Theory. After about 10 minutes into the show the apartment door opened and Elena walked in. I pretended like I didn’t know she was there. She went into her room and came out a minute later.

“Jade we need to talk,” she said as I paused the show.

“No we don’t,” I said flatly.

“Look Jade-,” she said but I cut her off this time.

“No, you look. You insist that I’m negative but I’m not. I happen to care about you but for what? I want what’s best for you but you refuse to listen,” I said.

“Jade-,” she said trying to stop me but I went on.

“You’d think after being friends for so long, you’d listen to me but no. You know what? Marc might be a player but I truly hope for your case that he isn’t. You’ve clearly shown that our friendship is not as important because you chose a guy you know for 2 weeks over a friend that’s been there for you for your entire life. So if he breaks your heart don’t come to me because I don’t care anymore,” I said and with that I stormed into my room not looking back at Elena for a reaction. Maybe I was a bit harsh but it was nothing in comparison to what she had told me. Not to mention I did feel a bit lighter, I told her some things that I needed to say but I still didn’t feel right. I hated conflict and things still didn’t feel right. No matter how many times people might tell me it’s the right thing to do, to tell people what you think I could never feel that way. I just hated hurting people, that’s why I chose most of the time to ignore it and just move on. I couldn’t watch tv since I stormed off. I could have watched on my laptop but I decided maybe I should have an early night. Hopefully I would wake up feeling a bit better so I changed into my pjs and got into bed. Just then my phone rang.

“Hey Nate,” I said.

“Hey Jade, Demi kinda told me about what happened, you want to talk about it?” he asked me.

“I actually just want to leave it for now Nate,” I told him honestly.

“Yeah, I understand, but you sure?” he asked worrying about me.

“Yeah, I’m actually in bed now,” I told him.

“Ok well if you ever-,” he said as I finished his sentence.

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