Chapter 8: Need to do Shopping!

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Last night was one of the best nights of our lives. We found a nice café to eat and stayed there till late hours of the morning. Since the city was buzzing from the match, we walked around the city from 1 in the morning till about 3. Since we all slept late we all only woke up at around 11. I went to open the cupboard only to mentally slap myself again. I groaned, we still needed to do food shopping.

“What’s wrong?”Elena asked from inside her room.

“I’m hungry and we don’t have food,” I said.

“Oh,right, but you had so much to eat last night!”she said. I glared at her room door. It seemed like she sensed my glare.

 “I guess we have to shower and do some serious food shopping!” she then said from inside.

“Yip! But first we all need to eat breakfast,” I said.

“Shouldn’t we tell Nate and Matt?” Elena asked as she stood in the door frame.

“We’ll tell them when we come out of the shower so they don’t have to wait for us,” I said.

“Good idea,” she said and smiled.

“I just can’t believe we saw Barca in this flesh! Right in front of us!” I said.

“I know! And that we have an internship there!” Elena said.

My stomach then growled.

“Ok let’s go shower” I said. I normally like long showers but if I needed to be quick I was. Today was one of those days; I was starving and needed food. I came out and then had to decide what to wear. I first called Nate to tell him we needed to go buy food.

“Hello?” Nate said in a sleepy voice.

“Hey, we need to go food shopping; Elena and I are out of the shower we should be ready soon ok?” I said.

“Yeah ok,” Nate replied and then put the phone down.

It was a nice sunny day so I put on my simple floral dress with one of my favorite necklaces, a simple silver one with a big key pendant. My favorite accessories were earrings, I never could buy enough. I put on my long silver ones and wore my favorite silver swatch watch. I then put on my brown boots, with my shiny silver cuff. I put on simple make up as my stomach was growling and left my hair straight and damp. I was too hungry to care much.

“Thank god I was blessed with good hair,”I said as I took my purse, keys,  any other things I needed and stuffed it into my favorite brown fendi handbag. I never usually bought a lot of brand names but when we went on holiday my dad always allowed me to buy one expensive item, plus this was from a vendor. It looked authentic but no one ever really knew.  I walked out of the room and found Elena ready as well.

“Oh! I almost forgot!” I said as I saw Elena with her sunglasses. Naturally she had a plain white t shirt, short jeans, her blue pumps, and her hair was up in a pony. As expected she was wearing her favorite brown bracelet on one arm with her white swatch watch on the other. Like that Elena was pretty much your girl next door with a heart and personality to match. I went back and quickly took my gold sunglasses.

“Ok ready,” I said.

“I’ll call Matt,” she said.

“Hey Matt, wait why do you still sound sleepy?” after a pause, “What?! We’re starving! We’ll wait for 10 minutes, that’s it!” and she put the phone down.

“What idiots,” she said as she put down the phone.

“We haven’t tried out the tv yet!” I said.

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