Chapter 82: Lots of thoughts

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How the hell was any of this fair?! I knew Jade and she was one of the nicest people in the world. She kept comments to herself most of the time unlike Demi and I. The fact that Daniella still managed to look like the victim?! Ugh, I hated her even more but a part of me wanted to hit Cesc. How long will it take for him to see who Daniella really is!? I couldn't believe Jade's luck, the few times she actually defends herself and somehow she looks like the bad person? It just wasn't fair.

"Elena?" Thiago asked waving his hand in front of me. I didn't think I spaced out for that long but by the look on his face it seems it might have been a while.

"Yeah?" I asked looking at him.

"You ok?" he asked.

"I'm fine," I said giving a small smile.

"You sure? Because you zoned out for a while," he said and it made me realize I zoned out for a much longer time that I thought.

"I'm sorry," I said feeling bad.

"You don't have to be," he said, "What's on your mind?" he asked and somehow I didn't feel as bad. I could see he wasn't just saying these words to act kind, he really meant them.

Honestly? The fact that I want to kill Daniella. Right now. How unfair it is that the onetime Jade finally speaks up she feels bad for it. How lucky Daniella is but also how stupid Cesc is.

"Nothing really, " I said as I always do. He bent his head a bit and stared me down. Apparently I did not convince him in the way that I always managed to convince everyone else.

"You don't space out for that long if it's nothing," he said and I knew there was no point of denying what was on my mind. It seemed he would ask me till he found out.

"Just what happened now," I said honestly but vaguely.

"What happened?" he asked confused.

"Didn't you hear the shouting?" I asked him.

"No," he said shaking his head.

"Between Jade and Daniella?" I asked him to see if he knew. He shook his head not knowing what I was talking about.

"I was here, playing FIFA," he said explaining why he was clueless. "What happened between them?"

"They had this argument," I told him.

"Did Jade finally punch her?" he asked and I could not help but give an amused smile.

"I take it you don't like Daniella?" I asked him but I'm quite sure I knew the answer.

"Who does? Besides Cesc for some reason and I'm not even sure he really does anyway. The way she goes on with Cesc, well she irritates us that much as well," he said shaking his head.

"Really?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah, she'll go on about herself, or complain about small things, or other things" he said and I could see he was thinking about it. "It can become very annoying," he said.

"Well Jade looks bad in this case," I said, "And she shouldn't, it's just not fair."

"Life isn't always fair," he said and I knew he was right but it still didn't make me feel any better. Was Daniella supposed to keep getting away with everything?

"But," he said and I looked at him. Whenever someone added but to a statement, it meant there was always something more to consider.

"Karma always catches up with people," he said. "And if you have been a bad person and karma hasn't caught you yet well then be scared because that means that karma has something special planned for you," he said making me smile and feel a bit better.

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