Chapter 18: Finally a Break

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“We just wait till Sunday!?” Elena said after Arbelardo left.

“I guess,” Nate said.

“Relax guys, we did well,” Matt said, “I just know it.”

“Well we might as well go home and catch up on some sleep,” I said.

We were all so exhausted but we were so focused on getting our assignments done that we forgot how tired we really were.

“Yeah Jade, you’re right,” Elena said.

We all took the elevator down and greeted Ricardo on our way out.

“Where to amigos?” He asked.

“To my bed,” Matt said.

“No thanks,” Ricardo said. We all laughed.

“We have to wait until Sunday night to see whether we’ll be working here or not,” Nate said.

“I see, well you all go and get some rest,” Ricardo said as we all greeted him and then began to walk towards the door.

I just remembered that I had Messi’s jersey on so I went back to speak to Ricardo.

“Ricardo, where will the club be training tomorrow?” I asked.

“Why do you want to know that?” he asked confused.

“I don’t think you would believe me if I told you,” I said.

“Tell me,” he said.

I thought about it, if I said that I had to return Messi’s jersey because I was wearing it, he would think I’m crazy.

“I have something that I need to return to a friend,” I said.

“And that friend will be at the training session?” He asked more confused.

I mentally slapped myself. That was stupid. Obviously only the club players, coaches, staff and official photographers would be there. I had to tell him no matter how unreal it sounded.

“I um, well Messi gave me his jacket last night because Cesc spilled coffee on me and I need to return it to him,” I said knowing Ricardo will think I’m crazy.

He looked at me puzzled.

“Well I have heard weirder stories. Look they will be training at the Barcelona training ground not here at Camp Nou. You can’t get in with your card yet because you are not officially working for the club yet,” he said.

“Well is there a way for me to get it to him somehow?” I asked.

“Wait,” he looked skeptically, “Wow, you really are serious about this aren’t you?”

I just started at him as I heard someone approached me from behind.

“Jade what’s up?” Elena asked.

“I’m just asking Ricardo if we can get Messi’s jersey back to him,” I said.

“Oh yeah, we have to get it back to him!” Elena said.

After hearing that Ricardo seemed like he believed us more.

“Look I’m really sorry but I can’t help you. Even I don’t have access yet,” he said.

“What? But you have been working here for a few weeks right?” I asked.

“Yes, but Alexander has not approved my card,” he said.

“Gosh that guy really believes he owns the place,” Elena said coldly.

“Well thanks anyway Ricardo,” I said.

“No problema,” he said.

Elena and I went to go catch up with Nate and Matt outside.

“What took you guys so long?” Nate asked.

“Oh I know,” Matt said looking at us shrewdly, “One of you have crush on him!”

“No we don’t!” Elena said.

“I was just asking him some questions about the internship,” I lied.

“Oh really? Well what did he say?” Matt asked.

“Not much. We’ll just have to wait for Sunday,” I said as I smiled.

“Yeah, come on guys, let’s go home,” Nate said.

We all got to the apartments and went into our own.

“You should take off Messi’s jacket,” Elena said.

“You’re right,” I said. I walked into my room and took out a t-shirt. I just finished putting it on when Elena burst through the door. She took the jacket and put it on. I gave her a shocked look.

“What? Look I want to wear the Messiah’s jacket too ok!” she said. I laughed.

“Yeah but we have to wash it!” I said.

“We’ll do that later,” she said. I was starting to feel the exhaustion.

“Elena, I think I’m going to sleep,” I said as I saw her yawn.

“Yeah me too,” she said.

I lay on my bed and before I knew it I was fast asleep. When I got up I looked at the clock to see the time. It was already 16:00. I saw the sun shining and could not get back to sleep so I decided to get up. I started to make myself coffee and a snack. Soon enough Elena entered the kitchen too.

“Must I make you some food?” I asked.

“Yes please,” she said with a big smile on her face.

“What happened to you? Dream about Bartra?” I asked.

“No. I just feel so cool wearing this jacket!” she said.

“We need to wash it!” I said.

“Later! Let me enjoy this,” she said. I shook my head and smiled. I guess I couldn’t blame her.

“I’m a bit lazy to go out for dinner tonight. How about we catch up on series?” I asked.

“Yeah! Vampire Diaries and Supernatural?” she asked.

“Of Course!” I said.

We ended up watching a few episodes till about 22:00 but I felt like I needed a shower after having stayed the night at the club.

“I’m going to shower, I feel like I need to,” I said.

“I think I am too,” she said, “Carry on with the series when we’re done?”

“Definitely!” I said. We both went to shower and by the time we came back it was 23:00.

“Oh my gosh!” I said.

“What?” she said.

“Messi’s jacket! I need to wash it!” I said.

“Oh yeah!” she said. I took the jacket with some other clothes and made a load.

We resumed to watching some more episodes. I went to go check on the load and when it was finished, I put Messi’s jacket in the tumble dryer. We both still felt tired and ended up falling asleep on the couch.

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