Chapter 33: Talking and Practice

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“Well she looks happy,” Demi said sarcastically just walking in and referring to Elena who she just walked past. “Whoa, where did all those roses come from.”

“Marc,” I said annoyed.

“What? For Elena?” she asked.

“Hence her expression, we had a bit of a disagreement,” I said.

“What happened?” she asked. This was good, I needed to talk to Demi.

“Well Thiago came by earlier to talk with Elena, so I gave him her number and-,” I said as she cut me off.

“You gave Thiago Elena’s number?!” she asked.

“Yeah, he wanted to tell her congratulations,” I said explaining myself.

“He did?” she asked.

“Well that’s my issue. Thiago comes personally to try and see Elena where Marc just sends her a gift of flowers and pays for it,” I said.

“Come on Jade, you can’t judge like that. If Cesc sent you flowers how would you feel?” she asked me.

“He would not do that, we’re-,” I said.

“That’s not what I asked,” she said and I could tell she wanted me to answer the questions.

“I guess I would be happy,” I said.

“Would you say he just paid for it and didn’t come to see you?” she asked me.

“Demi it doesn’t work like that, Elena likes Marc, I don’t like Cesc,” I said.

“Yes you do,” she said.

“No I don’t! Look let’s leave that for another time, just focus on Elena. I just have this feeling ok? Cesc was supposed to tell me something and then Alexis came,” I said.

“Jade, it’s just flowers, it’s not hurting anyone. Let’s just see how it goes,” she said logically.

“Yeah ok, you’re right,” I said, “See this is why I missed you.” She smiled.

“I know, you worry way too much,” she said as I nodded.

“But you do like Cesc,” she said.

“Demi-,” I said.

“But like you said let’s leave that for another time,” she said teasing me as she went to go sit by her desk and do some work.

“Well how has work been for you?” I asked her.

“Good actually. I have to try and get one or two of the Barcelona players to see if they want to advertise a fashion line,” she said happily.

“Cool,” I said interested, “So who are you thinking of?”

“Well I can’t really just choose who I want, cause if I could hello Sanchez,” she said as we laughed.

“I have to see who is not contracted to other brands. Who has the name, who’s willing and that’s why I have to work with Matt to check the contract details and stuff,” she said.

“Sound fun thought,” I said.

“It is,” she said honestly.

“They’re coming tomorrow to train here maybe you could ask them then?” I said to her.

“I’m still busy with Matt but it wouldn’t hurt I guess, I mean speaking to Barca players, what hard work,” she said sarcastically, “I’ll have to see if we’re allowed there though.”

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