Chapter 91: Now I Understand

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Hey guys :) I hope you're all doing well :D

RANDOM NOTE: So I was going through my archives and found this 1D fanfic with about 80-100 pages! So I just decided to post 10 chaps :) It was written a couple of years ago but if any of you are interested go check it out, if there is enough people that want me to continue then I will :D

Just thought I might as well post what has been written lol


Love you all pretty people <3

I instantly released his hand from mine and all of a sudden he looked different. I was shattered. Cesc was always that perfect person ever since I came to know him. I didn't think he could do something so wrong, so hurtful. It didn't make sense.

"Jade," I heard him say a bit desperately and I could see he knew I was looking at him differently. "It wasn't intentional," he said quickly but I could hear the disappointment in himself in his voice.

"We had a bad fight that night and we both got very angry at each other. I walked out of the house and just kept walking. I ended up in a bar and I must have had too much to drink. I still can't remember that night, it's all just blank," he said angrily at himself. I could see he was trying, wishing he could remember that night but it seemed he just couldn't.

"All I know is one minute I was having a drink and the next I wake up in a hotel room, next to a woman I can't even remember meeting," he said and I could see the regret in his eyes. I was so scattered but I was torn. I could see he really meant he regretted it but he still cheated.

"I knew I had to tell her," he said, "I didn't want to because it would break her but I had to," he said and I could hear the sadness in his voice.

"When I got back to the apartment her bags were packed," he said and his voice was beginning to choke up. He shook his head and I could see that memory was replaying in his mind vividly. "Before I could even say anything, she looked at me with tears in her eyes. "How could you?" she told me," he said and he said Carla's words in a broken voice. "I knew she knew but I didn't know how. I found out later that there were pictures all over the newspapers and that was how she had found out," he said ashamed with his head in his hands. "She walked towards the door and I watched her. I didn't stop her, I didn't say anything, I just watched her walk away," he said his eyes a bit glassy. "I want to believe it was because I knew we couldn't fix it but every day I think about if I went after her, if I said something, would it have been different today?" he said his voice very quiet but the depression in it was evident. I didn't know what to think. One side of me wanted to hate him and then there was the other side of me that just couldn't even if I tried.

We were both silent, me absorbing what he was telling me and then him reliving his most miserable memories.

"I met Daniella a few months after that," he said and I didn't stop him. "There were many women but no one that was serious. She was the first woman that wanted a long term relationship after Carla. She was much more mature in comparison to the other women I met. When I spoke to her it felt like I was finally speaking to someone who understood me," he said but then he gave me a look and it was unspoken but I could tell in his head he was saying "until I met you."

I looked away quickly, my feelings being tossed around and resulting in one big mess.

"There were rumors about her," I said softly.

"Yes," he said pausing and I waited for him to go on but he didn't so I had to push it further.

"They say she was married and that she was chea-," I said but he cut me off.

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