Chapter 86: Confused...

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I stared out at the night sky from Ibrahim's car. I was confused. I didn't know what I was feeling and I didn't know what to feel. I always loved looking at the stars as a child, it made everything seem so magical and I began to think. In all these romantic stories, they say if you're in love you can just lie with that person and stare at the stars forever. I knew that was so farfetched but I wondered, if there was a person I could imagine with me in that scenario, who would it be? I stopped myself from thinking about it and focused on what was happening.

I was actually a bit annoyed with Ibrahim. He didn't have to kiss me in front of Cesc. I am just so happy it was on my cheek. I thought we were going to be low key about the relationship but it looked like I was wrong.

"Why did you do that?" I asked Ibrahim as he drove to a café he said was quiet.

"Do what?" he asked but I had a feeling he knew exactly what I was talking about.

"I just thought we weren't going to be very public at first," I said honestly. It was strange, Ibrahim was always so shy but then he went and made sure people saw him kissing me on the cheek.

"Do you not want people to know about us?" he asked defensively. It was hard to explain it to him. I didn't even know why I was getting so upset about it. Normally I would have been happy. It's not that I didn't want people to know about us but it just seemed all so sudden for some reason. Oh wait Jade, maybe that's cause you guys only had your first official date this morning.

The thing was, before I was sure I wanted to be with him but now that I was with him I wasn't sure anymore. Oh the irony of life I thought sarcastically. I wasn't sure about my feelings at the moment but I had already started the relationship and I couldn't just cut it off.

"It's not that," I said, "It's just-," I said not knowing what to say.

"I guess you're right, I should have asked you. I'm sorry, I was just really happy to see you," he said to me. I looked at him and if I hadn't spoken to Cesc I would have believed him but there was something about his eyes. Something that told me that wasn't the full reason. I gave him a smile and he returned one. Maybe I should let myself be happy and not worry about things for once.

"We're here," he said in a cheery tone. I looked and saw a small café. He told me he was busy tomorrow and that we should go celebrate the win tonight. We went and had some coffee. I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy his company because I did. He was a gentleman and we spoke about things in general. Time went by quickly and before I knew it he was dropping me at home.

He slowed the car down and parked right by the building on the street. He unbuckled his seatbelt and came to open my door. I got out and looked up at him. He started at me and I was quite sure we were both thinking about earlier when Matt just popped up.

"So," he said awkwardly.

"So?" I said looking into his eyes and I could feel we were moving closer to each other. Our lips were inches apart and I knew what was coming next.

"Good night," I said before I could stop myself. He gave me a strange look and looked at me puzzled.

"Um, goodnight," he said kissing me on the cheek and walking to the drivers side. I watched as he drove away.

"Stupid stupid stupid Jade! What were you thinking? Oh wait you weren't. Goodnight?! What is that? He was going to kiss me and I say goodnight?!" I said talking to myself but I couldn't believe what I did. I don't even know why I did it. I couldn't understand my own actions. As I opened the door to our apartment I saw Elena looking at me with a playful look.

"So you two finally kiss?" she asked lifting her eyebrows.

"No," I said annoyed.

"Wait, what's up?" she asked sitting next to me on the couch.

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