Chapter 56: Watching the game

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We watched tv, cleaned out the apartment and went to bed. I sat in my bed thinking about what Elena had said. Did I have a dilemma? Did I like any of them? I didn’t know the answer to that or more I was too scared to explore it so I decided to sleep. I woke up with the most amazing smell of chocolate chip cookies. I walked into the kitchen to see Elena taking out a tray of fresh cookies.

“Morning,” she said cheerfully.

“Morning,” I said taking a fresh, warm cookie. “I love you,” I said as I bit into one. They were my favorite. I loved when Elena randomly baked.

“I know you do. So today is the match! We should try to get our shopping done before it. Matt said we should watch it at their place,” she told me.

“Sounds good,” I said to her. Today the game seemed so different to other games because it was the first game I did an analysis for and I really wanted to know if they would consider what I said. Before I knew it, time had passed quickly and we were all in the boys’ apartment getting ready to watch the match. I just thought about how I never got to greet Cesc properly. I took out my phone and sent him a message:

Hey Cesc, good luck for the game, hope you score ;)

Maybe he didn’t consider me a friend but he was so different when Daniella was not around.

“Texting someone?” Elena asked me.

“No,” I said but I noticed she just texted someone as well.

“You texting Thiago?” I asked her jokingly. Her shrewd smile changed into a guilty poker face.

“No,” she said but I could tell she was lying.

“That’s a yes,” I heard Demi say next to me.

The match was about to start and they just showed the line-up.

They clearly did not look at my analysis. I was in shock. No Villa? No Messi? No Iniesta?

“Interesting line up,” Matt said.

“Yeah, no Messi?” Demi said.

“Well have faith guys, let’s see how this goes,” Nate said. We all sat down and watched as the game started. Within 10 minutes Xavi had already scored.

“GOAL!” we all screamed.

“He is pure class,” Matt said.

“Good set up by Cesc,” I said.

“You would see that,” Elena said.

“And an amazing assist from Sanchez!” Demi said. They just finished showing the highlights of the first goal.

“GOAL!” I said standing up and screaming. Literally a minute later and Cesc had just scored. I felt so happy for him.

“Someone seems excited,” Matt said.

“Yeah jumping out of her seat,” Elena said staring at me. Jade why did you jump out of your seat for Cesc and not for Xavi?

“We’re 2 up and its only 12 minutes! This game is going to be amazing!” Nate said as we all nodded. Within 15 minutes the mood had changed. I watched in horror as someone challenged Alexis. He was on the ground and he looked to be in pain. He couldn’t stand up. My mind immediately went to the day before when he joked around about getting injured and I told him he’d be ok but he wasn’t.

“Oh my god,” Demi said in shock, “Is he ok?”

“That didn’t look good at all, the way they collided,” Elena said as they started showing the replay.

Interns at FC BarcelonaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon