Chapter 77: Elena and Alexis

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Hi Everyone, I'm sure you do not want a long personal story. I've just been dealing with work issues and I was not in a good space for a while. Glad to say I'm moving forward and should be active on here more often :)

My attempt is to reply to all of your comments because it means the world to me! :) Don't hesitate to drop me a message if you want to chat!



Before I could even call after her, Jade had begun walking away. I knew Daniella going on with Cesc affected her so I didn't call after her. Daniella was so rude, I didn't get why Cesc was with her. Maybe it was because she had a certain kind of "experience." Either way they just didn't each other in comparison to the way I knew Jade and him would match.

Jade was intelligent in many ways, except when it came to relationships. The connection between her and Cesc was so obvious I didn't get how she couldn't see it. Or maybe it was that she chose to ignore it. I knew her relationship history and now that I think about it, it makes sense if she did ignore it. The last guy she really liked already had a girlfriend, so similar to this situation. Concerning Ibrahim it was like her previous relationship, where the guy cheated on her. Jade was different to me, she was logical. So even if she felt a little something with Cesc, she would shrug it off because she would only look at the fact that he already has a girlfriend. If she went after him it would be wrong of her.

"Elena, are you listening to me?" John asked me bringing me out of my thoughts.

, I kind of spaced out," I said apologetically.

"It's ok," Martin said. I looked to find Demi but she was gone.

"Where's Demi?" I asked.

"She just said she went to get a drink, you didn't hear that?" John asked me a bit surprised. It seemed I spaced out more than I thought.

"Oh yeah," I said pretending to remember.

"Elena," I heard a voice say behind me. I didn't even bother to look at Marc.

"You know her?!" John said shocked.

"Since when?" Martin asked. I noticed Cristian joining our conversation too since Jade had left.

"A few weeks, we are-," Marc said as I cut him off.

"Nothing," I said simply and the 3 boys looked at me amused.

"Something definitely went on between you two," John said jokingly looking at the 2 of us.

"Yeah, I can feel some tension," Martin agreed.

"Well we did have something," Marc said quickly.

"Excuse me?" I said turning to face him.

"You can deny it all you want but you know I'm right," Marc told her.

"Nothing happened Marc," I said and I was getting upset. I could see he was trying to impress his friends and I couldn't stand it.

!" Thiago said appearing out of nowhere and I just felt relieved.

"Thi! Look who we met!" John said pointing to me.

"Elena," Thiago said smiling at me, "Well don't you look beautiful tonight," he told me and I was at a loss for words. I don't know why, I was never in this sort of situation but for some reason with him I was. I don't know what was happening to me, why all of a sudden I was just feeling a bit nervous.

"She does," Marc said getting protective.

"Can you sense something between them?" Martin said looking at Marc and then Thiago.

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