Chapter 94: Whirlwind of Emotions

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Sorry everyone, I was having network issues among other issues!


We both knew we were past friends at this stage no matter how much we tried to deny it. I smiled at Cesc sadly and knew that nothing could ever happen between us. It seems it was never meant to be.

"Cesc," I said ready to explain everything but I didn't need to.

"I know," he said with the same sadness I felt and I knew we were thinking about the same thing.

He stood up and slowly walked to the door almost as if he felt this might be the last time we can really speak to each other so freely.

"So," he said lingering at the door with his back facing me, "I guess I'll see you around Jade."

"Yeah," I said softly knowing that this time it didn't mean I would see him every day. This time it meant I would see him on the odd occasion and I didn't want it to be this way.

"Yeah," he said now turning around and looking at me with a sparkle in his eyes and I wondered why he had a sudden change in expression but knew he had some idea. "By the cafeteria or by the field when you watch us train or around the stadium or by the locker room, you know where there are absolutely no cameras," he said with a shrewd smile and a wink. I couldn't help but smile along with him. He was right, what was so wrong with talking with him if nobody saw us talking? That was the thing though, the risk was so high. I'm sure they would make sure to keep an extra eye on me since I was now on probation but I knew there was no way I could just cut my ties with Cesc.

"So Jade," he said now more happily, "I will see you around," he said with a big grin on his face.

"Yes, you will," I told him smiling back knowing that no matter what I wouldn't be able to stay away from him.

"What are you doing here?!" I heard Elena scold him at the door, "Do you want her fired?!" It was strange, I could not believe Elena was scolding Cesc Fabregas but even stranger was Cesc's expression. At first he was slightly shocked she said that to him but then he looked at her in a guilty manner like he deserved the scolding. Elena looked shocked to have said that to him but at the same time I could tell she didn't feel she was totally wrong for telling him that.

"You're right, I'm leaving now," Cesc said.

"Yeah, ok," Elena said softly almost embarrassed and I could see she did not know how to process what had just happened as she walked towards me.

"So you're not fired are you?" she asked worriedly.

"No, I'm not," I said and I could tell she was relieved, "But I was close to it."

"Yeah I heard that-," Elena said but she was cut off by Matt, Demi and Nate.

"Oh my gosh! I just heard! Please say you're not fired!" Demi shouted coming through the door.

"Please Jade, please say they gave you a chance," Matt said.

"Yeah Matt and I discussed it and we will plead that you are a hard worker," Nate said.

"Yeah, that you're not involved with anyone!" Demi said.

"We're going to get you your job back," Matt said convincingly.

"Yes, they can't just kick you out unfairly," Nate said.

"Can you all just shut up?" Elena finally said and they looked at her in shock.

"She's not fired-," Elena began saying as they all cut her off.

"You're not?!" the three of them said all looking at me.

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