Chapter 72: Why??

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I said I would post 5 chapters so here are the next 2 :) Hope you all had a great weekend :)



I got up early and got ready for work. Technically today I was allowed to go to the field but I was going to stay as far from it as I could. Not seeing one person is possible but I was bound to see Cesc or Ibrahim if I did go. We got to the stadium and I went straight to the office since I now was behind on my work since I decided to have a series marathon yesterday. I had planned my breaks at the most random time so that I would not bump into anyone. It was around 11:00 when I decided to go to the cafeteria. Normally I would be annoyed with going so late but I was more than happy to delay my food to avoid certain people. Luckily when I got there it was empty. I went over to the machine and pressed the button for a latte when I heard someone approach the door. I was about to make a run for it when I noticed it was just Alexis.

“Jade?” he said a bit confused, “Were you going somewhere?”

“No, I-,” I said pausing, “Nothing.”

“Ok,” he said happily, “How was your day yesterday? Better than mine I’m sure.”

“I highly doubt that,” I said under my breath.

“What?” he asked me.

“Nothing,” I said, “How’s the leg?” I asked him.

“Taking way too long to heal,” he said as I laughed a bit.

“Be patient, you’ll be back soon,” I said.

“I hope so, it killed me that I couldn’t help us against AC,” he said.

“Well hopefully you’ll be there to help with the next game against them,” I said to him.

“I plan on it,” he said, “How’s Demi?” he asked me and it finally hit me that maybe he was no different to Ibrahim. He had made it clear he likes Demi but I guess in this case I like him, I didn’t know if he liked me but if I had to guess, well I knew the answer.

“Maybe you’re no different to him,” I said out loud unintentionally.

“What?” he asked me confused.

“Nothing, I need to go,” I said and I went towards the exit.

“Wait, Jade, no different to who?” he asked.

“No one, I’ll see you later maybe,” I said walking towards the door quickly.

“Jade,” he said coming by the door, “You ok? You seem-,” he said not knowing what word to use, “What’s wrong?” he finally said.

“Nothing, I’m just a bit stressed that’s all,” I said giving him a small smile hoping he’d believe me.

“Ok, well I guess tomorrow’s party will be good for you then,” he said smiling. I didn’t want to tell him that I most probably wouldn’t be going so I just nodded at him.

“You are coming right?” he asked me eyeing me skeptically.

“Most probably,” I lied.

“That’s not a yes,” he said and it seemed he wanted an explanation. I was not in a mood to explain to him my reasoning behind it but I didn’t know what to tell him.

“It’s just,” I said and knew Nate would kill me if he was here, “I’m feeling a bit sick today so I’ll have to see how I feel tomorrow.”

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