Chapter 102: Determination

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I'd like to say thank you to all of you that gave your feedback about this story :) I have finally decided that I will be writing two endings! Also let me know if any of you are strong Demi/Alexis fans because I always planned for Demi to get with Pique.

I spent time re-reading the story and have finally come up with two endings! Don't worry I will update Not What It Seems within the next few days :)

"Well I had better be off. All the details are in the contract. Here are my contact details," he said handing me his card," If you have any questions please feel free to contact me."

I simply nodded but I was in shock.

"It was great meeting you Miss Avery and I hope to work with you in the future. Remember this is really something that will not be offered again so think about it carefully," he said as he left.

What had just happened? I felt like I was in a parallel universe.

I sat there taking everything in. Working for Madrid? But they were the enemy, they always have been. If I worked there would I even do my job correctly? If I did, that meant them winning and Barcelona losing. It would be stabbing my team in the back but did I really have another choice at the moment? I knew my time here at the club was limited and he was offering me a chance of a lifetime, that I knew. I couldn't just dismiss it.

The worst part was that although the whole idea of taking the job didn't seem right, it didn't seem wrong either.

I left the meeting room in a bit of a haze, my my mind was spinning of images of me at Real Madrid, watching Ronaldo scoring and the coach congratulating me. It wasn't the happiest of thoughts. I subconsciously found myself walking to the lunchroom even though my appetite was gone.

To make matters worse I had to now come up with a strategy to take Madrid down. The irony would be that in a few months I'd be doing the exact opposite.

"Jade!" I heard a voice say as I lookd up.

"I've been calling you for a while, you okay?" Alexis asked.

"Aren't you supposed to be at practise?" I asked him.

"Yes, just using the bathroom," he said.

"The bathroom by the cafeteria?" I asked him.

"Jade this bathroom is right by practice," he said a bit confused.

I must have been more distracted than I thought. I walked in the completely opposite direction to the cafeteria.

"Oh, sorry," I said realising my mistake.

"For what? Jade are you okay?" he asked but I didn't know how to answer.

"Actually that was a stupid question, I apologise," he said feeling a bit embarrassed.

"No it's fine," I said, "Just processing."

"Look we know the truth, none of the players look at you guys like that, you know that right?" he assured me.

I nodded but it didn't really change my mood.

"Don't let others get to you, that's how you lose," he said and I gave him a smile.

I could have mentioned that it was ironic considering what happened the other night but I thought better of it.

"I know, I didn't do that. Don't be like me," he said looking at his fist.

"You should get back to practise," I said.

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