Chapter 99:Things Before The Gala

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I HAVE BEEN GONE FOR FAR TOO LONG!!! I apologise to all of you guys, I'm really sorry. It wasn't planned. Honestly I just haven't had the time in the past few weeks to update. Between work, being away for holiday, temporarily not having a laptop etc. It's just been busy BUT I'm back so hopefully I'll manage to upload once a week just like before :)



"Jade," I vaguely heard Elena saying but I was already too lost in my own thoughts. This could affect my entire life. It was a complete fabricated lie but no one knew that, technically not even the Barcelona players. Who was ever going to look at me seriously now? Sure they'll say your personal life does not have an effect but in this case it could not be more related. Cesc's dip in performance combined with me working at the club and this coming out two days after we were caught at a restaurant. What the press says makes perfect sense.

Cesc's behaviour yesterday...

It was this. I walked away but Daniella must have told him that she's pregnant and that's why he was behaving so erratically. It was after he told me he had feelings for me. He must have thought he was going to break up with her and then...

And then what Jade? Be with you?

I sighed, how was I going to go to work now? The entire staff will think I am too blame for everything. I was on probation, for sure my internship was gone now.


It disgusted me to think about it but right now I was stuck. Alexander did offer me that option.

NO JADE. You're no that type of person.

It was true, I wasn't. I was ethical and I followed the rules but look at where that has gotten me. Everything Daniella said was a lie but people didn't know that.

"Jade!" Elena said in front of me.

"Yeah," I said coming out of my thoughts.

"Look we're going to help you get through this ok?" she said and a second later I heard knocking on the door. Soon enough Matt, Nate, Demi and Elena were around me.

"I am going to kill that bitch!" Demi shouted.

"But then you would go to jail afterwards, we need a better plan," Matt said, "Like how do we kill her without getting caught," Matt said thinking mischievously.

"Matt!" Elena said while smacking him.

"What? You really against it?" he asked.

"That cannot be our plan of action," Elena said.

"Yeah Matt," Nate said in agreement.

"But you're not against it," Matt said to the two of them with a smile.

"Who cares?" I said and they all looked at me in shock. "I was on probation since Monday, I'll be fired for sure. Daniella went to the entire Spanish press, no one knows me so why would they take my part? The board doesn't know who's telling the truth because it's her word against mine. I'm basically screwed."

They all stayed silent. They knew there was truth in the words I spoke. They could all support me but how else could they really help me?

"You don't know that for sure," Nate said supportively.

"Yeah," Matt said trying to make me feel better.

"Maybe you shouldn't go in today," Elena suggested.

"No I have too," I said.

"You sure?" Demi asked.

"I'll just look guilty if I don't go," I said.

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