Chapter 103: An Idea

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I know its a bit short BUT I have been writing chapters and am working towards the double ending :)

Also check out Lay Your Guard Down. I've just been editing, nothing crazy and since so many of you asked for Neymar well it's about Neymar :p

It has a bit of a different vibe to it then interns but same style of drama :p The main character is more sassy  :p


I walked into the marketing office and noticed the subtle but obvious stares at me.

"Demi, what are you doing here?" the marketing director asked.

"I'm here to help with advertising deal," I said having a bad feeling.

"Look," the director looked a bit hesitant, " I don't think you'll be helping us with that anymore."

"What," I said slightly surprised.

"We just don't think it's a good idea," he said and I knew he was referring to the press.

"But I helped with that deal," I said.

"We know," he said.

"I'm sorry but you know better than anyone how bad it will look if we took you with," he said.

"Yeah," was the only thing I could come up with.

"What would you like me to do then?" I asked him sighing.

"Er," he said in the same hesitant tone "We don't think you should do anything for now. You know with all the-,"

"Press," we both said.

"Yes," he said, "You understand right?"

I nodded.

"I do," I said as he nodded and was on his way.

I understood the reasoning but it didn't change how horrible I felt.

I walked back towards our office not knowing what the point of me being here was at this point.

"Demi," Pique said when he saw me.

"Why the sad face huh?" he asked concerned.

"You should know," I said and he looked sad.

"We're going to fix this, you know that right?" he asked me.

"I know you're going to try-," I said as he cut me off.

"No, no, no. I don't think you heard me," he said and I looked at him confused.

"I said we are going to fix this. Not try. I'm Batman remember?" he said and I laughed.

"Does Batman say he will try and save Gotham or does he just do it? Like Nike," he said and I couldn't help but laugh some more.

"Thanks," I said genuinely.

"I need my Robin sidekick," he said.

"Shouldn't Batman get back to practice?" I asked him not wanting him to get into trouble.

"Oh! Yes!" he said running off as if he forgot.

"I'll see you later Demi," he shouted running down the corridor. I smiled, that horrible feeling was basically gone. Trust Pique to cheer me up.

Probably one of the last times he'll do that.

Once again I felt that horrible feeling sinking in. I sighed, I might as well head home.



I got home and was in a good mood with everything considered.

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