Authors Note

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To all you Leo Jade shippers, fear not! I'll post thier end soon, I just thought it would be waaaaaaaay too long to wait for both to be posted at the same time.

For those of you that don't know, I think I have been writing this story for about 6 years which is insane! Funniest thing is Jade was kind of based off me but I smiled when I read some random chapter because I see how much I have grown. I'm so different now and it's nice to see how I've changed.

Anyway moving forward I have no clue what to do so I thought I'd ask you guys :)

I'll carry on with Not What It Seems because I enjoy that story and I know a lot of people do.

However I have this really cool drama plot that I want to write. I made it so that even if you don't know the people, you can still enjoy the drama. All I'm saying is this drama will play with your heart. It make you ship the main character with so many different people but I feel those make the best stories. I was thinking of doing prologue chapter and seeing your thoughts on it and then deciding to carry on or not.

I also have an interesting concept of a choose your own story. So the idea is a  reader you make a choice and depending in your choices, that's the person you end up with.

I really like my concept for Lay Your Guard Down but feel I need a different guy as the main character so any suggestions would be great :D since that story is not that far from being done :p

If you guys have any other ideas in terms of what you think I should or would like me to write, please let me know! I'm always keen to hear your ideas!

Once again thanks for coming along the ride of Jade and her friends lives. I hope you all enjoyed reading the book as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Remember it follow your dreams and believe in yourself :)

Love you all more than you know


Mimi :p

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