Chapter 113: THE FINALE

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Hey hey everyone! So to be honest I have always had the ending kind of planned but when it came to writing it I'm still not sure if I'm a hundred percent happy...also I wrote half this on my phone so please forgive any grammar or spelling mistakes!


ENJOY MY Lovelies!

And please let me know what you think and if I did the story justice otherwise I might write it again :p


I  could feel my nerves starting to build, my stomach was beginning to feel tied in knots. It had been a while since I had been this nervous but I knew how much this game’s outcome affected everyone. It was not just about me anymore.

I started to fidget and pace around the locker room.

Where is she?

Jade was not the type of person to not keep a promise. I knew that if she said she would be here to wish me good luck, she would come. I looked at my phone even though there was no indication of a notification, just wishful thinking.

“You okay?” Pique asked me concerned.

“Just nervous,” I told him honestly although I made sure not to mention Jade’s name. I knew he would tell me to put it out of my mind. What he didn’t know is that I couldn’t get her out of mind. Not anymore.

“It’s so stupid!” Pedro said annoyed while raising his hands.

“It’s not her fault,” Leo said sadly.

“Still, how can they not allow her to watch the match?” Pedro said his eyes wide.

“Who?” I asked interrupting their conversation but I was sure I already knew by Leo’s tone.

They both kept quiet.

“No wonder she’s on her way to the airport!” Pedro said without thinking.

I froze.

The airport?! She’s leaving?!

And then it dawned on me. Of course she would leave during El Clasico. No one would look for her. I didn't blame her not wanting to greet everyone. She had been through enough pain already.

“Okay let’s go!” Pep’s voice boomed through the locker room. I watched as everyone began following him towards the pitch.

I had a choice to make. I could lose the match or I could lose the one person in my life that I really loved.

I smiled, I really did love her. Right now, that was the one thing I was sure of.

I grabbed my keys without hesitation and began running to my car. I needed to tell her I loved her and that she can’t leave. I will do anything. Anything to get her to stay.

I switched on my car barely thinking about anything else but Jade. I reversed hastily and drove as fast as I could towards the airport. I made the same mistake years ago with Carla and I have regretted it for my entire life. I won’t make that same mistake twice.

I drove as fast as I could trying my best to still drive safely but the image of Jade leaving had me pressing the pedals aggressively.

“Come on!” I shouted at a traffic light that had just turned red. It felt like it was taking forever.

When I had finally arrived I barely parked my car and began running through the doors to enter the airport. I quickly scanned to find the screens listing the departures. There was a flight set to depart for Madrid soon. I sprinted towards the boarding gates but stopped abruptly as I saw the barriers to go through to security.

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