Chapter 73: Confusion

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"What?" I asked Ibrahim bluntly. Alexis seemed shocked at my response.

"Nothing," Ibrahim said as he turned around and carried on running.

"Something happen between you two?" Alexis asked me but I avoided his eyes.

"No," I said automatically.

"You thought I might have been him earlier," he said putting everything together, "What happened with you and Ibrahim?" he asked me again.

"I'd like to know to," Cesc said appearing in front of me again.

"Aren't you supposed to be running?" I asked Cesc.

"Pep is busy speaking to Hector, I can spare a minute," he said.

"Nothing happened ok?" I told both of them.

"With what?" Ibrahim now asked coming in front of me. The three of them were staring right at me waiting for an explanation. I was going to go crazy with the three of them cross questioning me.

"With nothing," I said trying to avoid the subject.

"Fine, if you won't tell me I'll just ask him," Alexis said and before I could stop him he asked.

"What happened between you and Jade?" Alexis asked Ibrahim. Ibrahim looked at me and then at Alexis and Cesc. Cesc shifted his eyes to Ibrahim now interested to hear what he had to say.

"Nothing, we just went for breakfast," he said not making a big deal out of it.

"You went on a date with him?" Alexis then asked me.

"It wasn't a date," I said.

"It wasn't?" Ibrahim asked me surprised.

"Not after what you told me," I said looking at him.

"Told you what?" Cesc asked.

"Nothing," Ibrahim said.

"It obviously can't be nothing so what is it?" Alexis asked Ibrahim and I.

"Well if he didn't force himself at our table," he said motioning to Cesc, "It wouldn't have happened." I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"I never forced myself," Cesc said defensively.

"So you would never tell me?" I asked him.

"You never let me explain," he said.

"What is there to explain?" I asked him. It was simple, he had a girlfriend and still went on a date with me. Nothing happened but what if something did? Then I would have been the girl Ibrahim cheated with.

"A lot apparently," Cesc said.

"Yeah like how you took Daniella's side," I said and I personally noticed I was still upset about that.

"She said it was a mistake," Cesc said.

"What happened?" Alexis said clearly lost in the conversation.

"I can't believe you listen to her," I said.

"Yeah, she did look like she pushed the waiter," Ibrahim said supporting me.

"Please, you didn't even see it! You're just trying to get on Jade's good side because you messed up in another way," Cesc told him.

"What did Daniella do?" Alexis asked.

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