Chapter 101

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PLEASE READ: So Euro ended today and if you're a Portugal fan I'm sure you're happy but if you're a France fan or any other fan you might be a bit sad...Well let me know if I must write a short story to cheer you up :) You can list your favorite player in the comments and I'll try just for this week :)

Also because Euro is over, I forgot I have tons of one shots that I'll just upload for any of you that might want to read about your favorite player. Hopefully I have one of them :p

Lastly do any of you think I should put this story in the Wattys? I noticed my grammar and spelling are atrocious so I'd fix that (this fic is like 5 years old lol) but yeah what do you guys think??


I didn't want to wake up. But whether I slept or stayed awake the same nightmare was still there. I could not erase the horrific events that happened last night. Although the gala was only a few hours ago, it felt like a year. I sat up in bed knowing that my attempt to sleep was useless. I slowly walked to the kitchen but saw Elena already sitting on the couch eating a packet of chips. I noticed the other empty packet of chips, box of cookies and a packet of chocolates.

"Can't sleep either?" Elena said while staring blankly at the TV. It was on but I knew she wasn't really taking any of it in. At this point it was just background noise.

"Nope," I said walking to the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea.

"How did everything get so messed up?" Elena commented.

"I don't know," I said sadly, "But I don't know how much worse it can really get after last night."

I thought back to it. It was mixed of thoughts of dancing with Cesc, crying with Leo, dancing with Ibrahim and then being embarrassed by Alexander.

"This was too good to be true though right?" Elena asked me as I sat down.

"I mean we were kidding ourselves thinking this was going to be to be the rest of our lives," she said and she was right. As much as we all wish that life is made of fairy tales, there comes a time when reality hits you in the face and for us this was definitely that time.

"I'm not sure if we thought it would be our lives but I didn't think we'd end off worse at the end of it," I said.

"I mean aside from being embarrassed in front of everyone and despite what the press will say, there is still the relationship aspect," she said and that was the most painful.

"Well at least you and Thiago had a good time," I said but she gave me a half smile.

"Yeah but when we left he seemed upset," she said sadly.

"I just can't believe what Xavi said, I mean to hear it from him was so-," I said not knowing what word to use.

"Crappy? Embarrassing? Sad?" Elena said.

"Yeah, all of those," I said, "Devastating," I said as I sat next to her and I thought back to the argument Cesc and Daniella has.

"He doesn't love her," I said.

"What?" Elena asked me.

"Cesc and I were dancing on the balcony and then-," I said replaying the events in my head, "He screamed at her that he doesn't love her," I said and I could hear Elena gasp, "But she has his child so that's that."

"I think she's lying," she said, "I really think she is, I mean did she ever show any proof that she is having a child?"

"It's not my place to ask that," I said.

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