Chapter 53: What did we just do?

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I wasn’t the fastest runner but it was about not getting wet. So far I was doing ok, I hadn’t gotten wet. Ricardo and Elena had a bit of water but we were all quite dry for now. We were hardly far on the field though. I waited as two sprinklers kept crossing each other. I had to get my timing perfect. It was stupid but I didn’t want to be the loser. I waited and on the right second I ran and got through both perfectly. I smiled proud of myself when all of a sudden I felt water on my right side. I quickly jumped. I forgot about the other sprinkler. I wasn’t soaked but I wasn’t dry either. Finally I got to the end of the field a couple of seconds after Elena.

“Oh and look at me, I am dry, not a single drop-,” Matt was cut off as he was showered by one sprinkler. We all burst out laughing.

“This is not fair!” he said.

“Told you! You owe us!” Elena said.

“Hey Elena! I think you need a hug,” Matt said to her.

“Matt, don’t you dare,” Elena said backing away but before I knew it they were running after each other.

“I should give you a hug too,” I heard Nate say behind me. He was wet everywhere.

“Nate, no,” I told him but he began to run after me. He was always faster so eventually he caught me and gave me a hug.

“Nate!” I said as he picked me up and ran with me to a sprinkler. He placed me right in front and I couldn’t get away. I felt myself get blasted by a sprinkler and after a few seconds I was soaked.

“Nate! How could you do that!” I said but I wasn’t angry. It felt good to just mess around and be stupid for a while.

“You’re not the only one,” Demi said and I turned to see Demi, Elena, Ricardo and Matt all just as soaked. I couldn’t help but laugh. It was really funny.

“I cannot believe you guys did that!” Pique said speaking all of our thoughts. We all turned to see a number of the players staring at us either in amusement, shock or confusion. It hit me now that we were running across the field like idiots and the players of Barcelona watched us do it. Wow, not embarrassing at all.

“We had too! We all have meetings!” Demi said shouting at Pique.

“Oh, we didn’t know,” Pique said looking like he was genuinely sorry.

“Of course you didn’t, why would you? And now we’re soaked!” Demi said annoyed.

“Demi I’m sorry,” Pique said, “Look I’ll help you get dry.”

“Luckily none of us are wearing white,” Elena said to me and she had a point.

“I’m fine,” Demi said sarcastically walking into the building, “You know just soaking wet and have a meeting but I’m fine.” Pique just laughed at her annoyance.

“Relax, Demi,” he said following her, “I’ll get you a towel.”

“Jade,” Cesc said. I looked at him.

“Careful you don’t want to get caught talking to an employee,” I told him as he laughed a bit.

“She’s far for now,” he said being his normal self, “I can’t believe you did that, I’m impressed.”

“I can’t believe I did it either,” I said to him.

“Yeah, especially cause it’s you Jade,” Elena said.

“And now you’re all soaking wet,” Alexis said as Thiago agreed with him.

“Well at least I don’t have a meeting,” I said.

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