Chapter 74: Meeting Iniesta and Alexis

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Hey Everyone! Life has been so hectic :/ I apologise for not updating sooner, I know so many of you have been waiting for this! Anyway please enjoy! I also noticed initially when I posted this I provided a link to my other blog which is here. I haven't updated that in a while but if you guys could check it out and let me know whether you think I should start blogging again, that would be amazing!

Anyway I will upload another 2 chaps so enjoy and I will update LYGD too :D


Elena was waiting outside the room when Diego finally called her in.

"Come in Miss Riveira," he said as Elena smiled and entered the room. Iniesta sat on the bed with his leg spread across the bed waiting for everyone to take a look.

"Miss Riveira, what is your analysis?" Diego asked her. Way to throw me in the deep end, I just got here! Thankfully I was just analyzing the videos of his injury. Think Elena, think!

"Well judging by how he fell on Tuesday, I would say he pulled a muscle-," Elena said.

"Oh, this one's a genius," said a lady sarcastically.

" I wasn't finished," Elena said assertively, "Technically he could be playing in 2 weeks," she said inspecting the injury, "But that could easily cause him to have a relapse so it would be better if he heals properly over 3 weeks maybe even an extra one so that he returns fully healed. It seems he has pulled his hamstring, so he will need to take it easy but start physio immediately to speed up the healing process. He should also have someone do strength exercises with him every day so that he doesn't lose too much strength in his injured muscles and he must carry on doing exercises with the other leg so that it keeps its muscular strength," Elena said proud of herself.

"It seems she is a genius," Diego said to the lady and the lady just gave an annoyed look and left the room.

"Well I'll go speak to the physiotherapist, you wait here Miss Riviera," Diego said as Elena nodded and he left.

"You really know your stuff," Iniesta said kindly. Elena was internally freaking out, she had been dying to meet Iniesta forever and now she finally could.

"I'm And-," Iniesta began to say.

"Andres Iniesta, I know! It's so amazing to finally meet you!" Elena said excitedly shaking Iniesta's hand. Iniesta just gave Elena a humble smile.

"I'm sorry for freaking out, I'm just a really big fan," Elena said slightly embarrassed. Iniesta just smiled.

"It's ok," he said happily, "So three weeks?" he asked her.

"Unfortunately, yes," she said sadly at him.

"Well then I need to be back to my best by then," he said positively. Elena stared at him surprised. He was so positive in comparison to Alexis.

"How are you so positive?" she asked before she could stop herself, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound-," Elena was not too sure of what to say.

"It's ok," he said not offended at all, "I've been injured enough times to know that staying positive is the quickest way to heal. So many players get injured and are out for 3 months or a year so I should be happy it's only 3 weeks," he said and Elena could clearly see his maturity in comparison to Alexis.

"Hopefully I'll be back in time for when we face AC Milan, that's the important game I need to be ready for," he said as Elena nodded.

"I'm sure you will be," she said with a smile as Diego came through the door.

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