Chapter 110: The good and the bad

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For those of you that just want to read the chapter, read and enjoy :)

For those of you that want to know where I went etc, it will be after the chapter :)

Love you all and wishing you an amazing 2017 filled with amazing memories and hopefully some of your wishes coming true ;)



I could feel the tension in the air. We all stood in the boardroom. Demi was running late and that was not a good sign. This was our one shot to clear our name. The video idea initially sounded like a great plan but we didn't take into account it would be one that the board would have to approve. We knew they would never let us just be in the video with the players. It would only add suspicion that we got special treatment.

Still they had agreed to a video. Over the past day or so we managed to get basic footage but I still didn't know how it would help us. Demi mentioned last night that she had an idea and none of us had heard from her since.

"Where is Demi?" Elena asked me nervously.

"I'm not sure," I said picking at my nails. I was starting to get agitated.

"Try calling her," Matt said trying to stay calm but I could tell he was starting to get worried.

"I did, she's not answering," Nate said trying his best to keep his composure.

More people were filling in including some of the players. They all simply greeted us with their eyes. Now was not the time to act friendly and we all understood that. I noticed Alexis taking a strategically long cut to make sure to pass by us.

"Where's Demi?" he whispered but Elena and I simply shrugged our shoulders. He nodded at us nervously and I watched as he walked directly to the head of the board. The head was getting ready to start the session but Alexis had stopped him, starting to make small talk. He was helping us, trying to delay the start. I just hoped Demi would get here soon.

I saw a message from Cesc

Where is she?

I sent him a message back.

I don't know.

I looked up to see him and I could tell he could sense the worry in my eye.

I watched as the head of the board went to start the session. We were going to be screwed.

"Hello everyone, please settle down and take your seats," he said in a professional tone from the front of the auditorium. I watched as the players tried their best to take their time to sit down but there was not much else they could do.

"Where is she?!" Elena said softly to me but I could tell she was freaking out.

"As you all know, this club has been going through a trying time regarding the press," the head said," We have been looking into ideas as to how we can decrease the negative attention that has covered the club. We are here to discuss that and be shown a very special presentation. As you know-," the head said but I was panicking too much to actually hear what he was saying. Where was Demi?

"Now for the main reason we are here, can Miss Marquez please come to the front."

We all turned to see if Demi was here but she was nowhere to be seen. Everyone is the room looked to see where she was.

"If Miss Marquez could please come to the-," the head was saying but he was cut off by Alexis. We all looked to see him now standing in the room.

"If I may say something," he said in a serious tone but we all know he was trying his best to save us. The head gave him an irritated look but nodded.

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