Chapter 26: Stupid Fight

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Despite the time the streets of Barca were filled with life and everyone seemed so happy. Well at least to me, I was in a happy mood. Whether it was because I had once again had conversations with the players of Barca, the fact that I watched a Barca game or that I have been living in Barcelona for just over a week, at this point I was happy.

“Why the smiling Jade?” Nate asked.

“Cesc picking you up for a date?” Elena asked nudging me.

“Yes, he is,” I said full of sarcasm.

“Hey Ricardo, know any good coffee shops?” Matt asked him.

“I know a few, but there is my favorite one,” Ricardo said.

“Why is it your favorite?” Demi asked.

“They have the best coffee, dessert and cake,” Ricardo said.

“Well take us there then!” Matt said. We took the metro and walked a bit until we got there. It was a medium sized traditional coffee shop which meant it must be good. We all sat down at a table and ordered coffee and dessert. Ricardo was right, that was the best chocolate mousse I’d ever had in my whole life. By the time we finished, it was late and we all decided we should head home and get some sleep.

“Ay, yi, yi, its 1 in the morning already!” Ricardo said.

“Whoa,” Matt said.

“Yeah it’s late and I’m tired, I got up early today,” Nate said.

“Not just you, me too,” Matt said.

“We should get going I haven’t even unpacked yet,” Demi said.

“Well maybe you-,” I began to say.

“Don’t be negative Jade,” Elena said to me knowing I was going to tell her not to unpack.

“Ok, but it’s really just a recommendation,” I said to her.

“Well, keep it to yourself,” Elena said defiant that we were getting the internships. We all left the coffee shop and headed to the metro. Ricardo got off at a different stop to us so we all greeted him and said we’d see him on Monday. We finally got to our apartments.

“Guys I’m really tired from all the travelling, you can help me tomorrow,” Demi said as we were all in the elevator.

“Ok, well goodnight,” Elena said hugging Demi as we got out of the elevator.

“Goodnight Demi,” I said as I hugged her.

“Goodnight guys,” she said walking to her room.

“So were not special enough to get hugs?” Matt asked her.

“Im tired Matt, I’ll hug you twice tomorrow,” Demi said sleepily. I could tell she just wanted to get to bed.

“Relax Matt, I’ll hug you,” Nate said.

“I’m fine thanks,” Matt said.

“Night Jade, night Elena,” Nate said as he hugged us.

“Night you guys!” Elena said moving on to hug Matt. I did the same and we all went to our apartment.

“I’m so tired,” I said as I walked through the door and crashed on our couch.

“Yeah, me too but what a day!” Elena said coming to sit by me.

“By what a day I’m sure you mean your conversation with Marc,” I said to her.

“Compared to you hugging Messi!? I mean what were you thinking!?” she asked me not understanding how I even attempted that.

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