Chapter 52: What are they doing?

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“Something is going on,” Demi said looking at the pitch.

“I think you’re right, why are they huddling like that?” I wondered. There were certain players looking like they were discussing a plan. It was Pique, Pedro, Alexis, Cesc and Alves. Alves, Pique and Pedro had shrewd looks on their face. Cesc looked a bit worried and Thiago and Alexis had amused expressions. Something was definitely going on.

“They look like they are planning something,” Elena said eyeing them.


“We should have a bit of fun with the girlfriends,” Pique said with naughty smile.

“I’m with you,” Pedro said.

 “Why?” Afellay asked.

“Why not?” Pique said happily.

“It’s cause Shakira isn’t here today,” Thiago said, “Otherwise she’d kill you,” he said looking at Pique as the others laughed.

“No,” Pique said denying it but they all knew he was lying, “But what to do,” Pique said thinking.

“Just put on the sprinklers and lock the stadium doors, then they’ll be stuck,” Alexis told them as a joke.

“Good plan Alexis!” Pedro said.

“You guys want to prank them? I’m all in!” Alves said overhearing them, “I’ll go tell the guards to go lock the doors while we finish our training!”

“He, hey!” Pique said approving Alves’s actions.

“Wait, you guys are serious?” Alexis said surprised they are listening to him.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea,” Cesc said.

“Might be fun,” Thiago said shrugging.

“No it won’t be,” Marc said, “Some of us have girlfriends.”

“Yeah, girlfriends,” Thiago said emphasizing the plural word.

“Yeah, please don’t,” Afellay said.

“Too late! It’s happening!” Pique said excitedly and they all knew they couldn’t do anything to stop it now.


We carried on watching them but it felt different. Cesc acted like I wasn’t even there. I understand what he told me just now but this just felt like a lie. Why pretend like I was just a worker? I watched Iniesta and just stared at him in disbelief. His footwork was flawless; he wasn’t called a magician for nothing.  After about 15 minutes the coach signaled that this training session was over but I noticed a few of the players still had shrewd looks on their faces while the other left. I became more suspicious when Pique turned to look at the stands with a mischievous face.

“I’m telling you something is up,” Demi said.

“Yeah, I agree.  Well we better go, we have our meetings to attend,” Elena said. We all attempted to walk up the stairs when we heard one of the girlfriends shout.

“The doors are locked,” she said frantically, “I can’t open it!”

Elena, Demi and I turned to look at Pique who had a small smile on his face. What were they up too?

“How are we supposed to get out?” Daniella asked. Just then we all heard the sound of water. We all turned to the field that now had all the sprinklers on. No way, they were joking right?

“I told you! See they were up to something!” Demi said.

“Demi! We have meetings,” Elena said.

“I do to,” Matt said.

It was clear some of the players were finding this amusing.

“Well I guess there’s only one thing to do then,” I said walking down the stairs towards the pitch.

“Jade what do you mean?” Nate asked.

“We have to run across the field,” I said.

“While dodging  the sprinklers!” Matt said running down the stairs.

“Jade you serious?” Demi asked me.

“Just like when we were kids!” Elena said. Normally I wouldn’t suggest this crazy idea but I think it was that part of me that wanted to prove to the players why we were different than all their girlfriends. I guess it was a sense of pride.

“She is serious,” Ricardo said.

“Come on! She’s right! It’s just water,” Elena said. We all had walked towards the field and were now just on the border of the grass.

“Wait, wait, wait,” Matt said, “We have to make something for the person that wins.”

“How about the person that gets most wet owes us dinner and dessert?” Nate asked.

“Sounds good,” Ricardo said.

“So I guess that means Matt will be buying dinner for us right?” Elena said.

“Whoa, not today,” Matt said, “Okay, 1, 2, 3, go!” he said and we all began to run through the sprinklers like crazy children.


 “Let the fun begin!” Pique said as he watched all the people on the stands go for the door. A few of the players started laughing when they saw how people were freaking out.

“Jeez Afellay, seems like your girlfriend is really freaking out,” Thiago said.

“Oh great,” Afellay said sarcastically.

“Daniella is going to be so annoyed,” Cesc said shaking his head sighing.

“What about Antonella Leo?” Pedro asked.

“She’s not here,” Leo said sadly and the others knew just to leave it.

“Wait, what is Jade doing?” Pique said as they turned to watch Jade walk down the stairs and Nate following her. Cesc wondered, what is she thinking?

“No way,” Pedro said.

“Are they crazy?” Alexis said.

“I guess we’ll find out,” Leo said.

“They are lining up on the grass,” Thiago said with a small laugh.

“No way,” Marc said.

“Are they are planning to run through?” Cesc said not believing what he was seeing.

“No Cesc, they are there to look at how pretty the grass is,” Pique said to his friend, “We should take bets. I guess Cesc will choose Jade as the winner, Thiago gets Elena, I’ll take Demi,” Pique said looking at the six people lining up across the field.

“Fine, I’ll take that guy,” Pedro said pointing at Matt.

“Ok I guess I’ll take the other guy,” Alexis said referring to Nate.

“Good then Leo, has the other one,” Pique said referring to Ricardo.

“Ok so we all have a person,” Pedro said.

“Wow I guess this is going to be much more fun that I thought!” Pique said.

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