Chapter 84: Really?

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"What's wrong?" I heard Ibrahim ask me. He must have seen how my face fell. I quickly put on a happy face and gave him the best smile I could fake.

"Nothing," I said cheerfully.

"You sure?" he asked unsure.

"Yeah, I'm just," I thought quickly of something to say, "I'm just sad we couldn't spend more time together." That was half true. I was having a good time with him but the truth was it was the sms that really made me feel down. He gave me a smile and then went back to focusing on the road.

"Only today because of the match. We'll have lots of time to spend with each other. I'll make sure I always make time for us," he said and I felt his words echo in my head.

Us. As in together.

Hearing him say that he would make time for us meant he was really serious about this relationship.

"But you sure that's it?" he asked me and I knew he wasn't fully convinced.

"That," I said with a smile, "But also," I said thinking of the perfect thing to convince him.

Got it.

"That Hector never gave me a reply on my preview for the match," I told him and I could see he bought it.

"I'm sure it was great," he said positively and I felt bad lying to him but for some reason I just didn't want him to know the reason I felt bad was because of Cesc. He takes me on a date and one sms by Cesc and I'm upset? I felt it would be like an insult to him. Rather tell a white lie right? It was strange though, I hated lying and even more so to Ibrahim but I didn't know what else to do.

"And maybe he just forgot to reply," he said trying to make me feel better.

"Yeah maybe," I said agreeing with him. We arrived right outside my apartment and I pressed the button to unlock my seatbelt. Very quickly Ibrahim was by my door opening it for me. I smiled, he was such a gentleman. I got out of the car with my purse and was now standing face to face with Ibrahim.

"I had a great time," I said and I was looking into his eyes and I could feel I was getting lost in them. I was refusing to break eye contact and honestly I didn't want to.

"Me too," he said and we were slowly moving our faces closer to one another. I knew we were about to kiss, I could almost feel his lips on mine.

"Hey Jade!" Matt said shocking the hell out of me. Ibrahim and I both jolted in surprise. I was in too much of shock to scream at Matt yet.

"Oh, I'm not interrupting something am I?" he asked shrewdly looking at me and I was very tempted to punch him. He knew exactly what he was interrupting.

"What do you think?" I asked him sarcastically. I could see Ibrahim was feeling a bit uneasy.

"Well Jade, I better get going, training is going to start soon," Ibrahim said.

"Oh hey Ibrahim, nice to see you," Matt said as if we are all the best of friends.

"You too," Ibrahim said courteously.

"Guess we'll be seeing more of you since you're Jade's boyfriend now," Matt said as my eyes went wide. I don't think I was ready to hear that. We went on one date that was a disaster and now we went on another which was going well until all this happened. I guess in a way he was but it just sounded to serious too soon.

"He's-," I said but I couldn't say "he's not my boyfriend" because that would have sounded harsh and it is a possibility that he will be. At the same time if I said he was then we were an official couple and it was serious. I noticed while I was thinking about all of this I ended up being silent.

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