Chapter 109: The Past Is Revealed

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All I can say is that I'm trying :/ I know I have not been consistent but I've almost got my house sorted :D I'm hoping everything will fall into place but it's taking a while. Anyway there is not actually much chapters left so I think about +- 10 and that will probably be the end so almost there!

Enjoy! :D

P.S. I like this chapter :D


I was sitting at a cafe on a quiet street in the city. It was pretty empty, just a few tables filled with people. I had decided to take certain things into my own hands. Cesc was a mess and would be for the rest of his life if I didn't do something. I had to do what I could and this was my last resort. I saw someone enter and looked to see if it matched the picture I had searched for. It wasn't but I was sure he would show. He had too.

After a while I figured he wasn't coming. I sighed heavily. I just wanted to help Cesc, he was my best friend. Yes he made mistakes but it was horrible to see him like this. I was worried it would mess him up for the rest of his life.

Just before I was about to leave, I saw the man enter the cafe glancing at where I was. I gave him a wave and he carefully walked over to me and took a seat.

"Thank you for coming," I told him graciously and he nodded.

"Anything for you sir?" the waiter came to ask him.

"Just a coffee please," the man said as the waiter nodded and then left.

"I'm not sure if you saw the press?" I asked unsure of how to start the conversation. I had gotten in touch with him by sending him a private message on Twitter. It wasn't exactly professional but he had agreed to meet me. I was grateful for that.

"It's a bit hard to miss," he said honestly, "She must be loving that," he said referring to Daniella and the bitterness in his voice was evident.

I nodded not sure on whether to prod him about the topic or not. I hadn't really told him my reason for wanting to meet with him. Honestly I just wanted the real story of Daniella. To see whether or not Cesc was really to blame.

"I just want to know your side of the story," I told him truthfully.

"Why now?" he asked with a bit of anger, "For a year or so it has never been a problem," he said scathingly. I sighed, I needed to get him to talk.

"That's not true," I said, "I just trusted his judgement over mine for a bit too long," I said referring to Cesc.

He studied me and then nodded.

"Daniella has a way of getting you under her spell without you even being aware," he said and I could tell he was thinking of a specific memory.

"Trust me I would know. I've been there. She took everything from me," he said and I could hear it in his voice. She had shattered his life and from my view, she never seemed to care.

The waiter brought his coffee and that seemed to ease the tension.

"Thank you," he said to the waiter and I watched as he took a small sip.

"She wasn't always like that," he said after a while, "She was caring, sweet, kind," he said reminiscing on his past years.

"Daniella?!" I blurted out before I could stop myself. He gave a sad amused smile.

"I know, hard to be believe huh?" he said in a way where that was a just a dream.

"But then what happened?" I asked curious to know.

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