Chapter 16: This is Crazy

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As we walked towards the tables I saw Lionel again and began thanking him again.

“Thanks so much, Muchos gracias,” I said .

“No problema,” he smiled. I was wearing the jacket of the messiah. This was crazy.

Elena and I assumed they would all begin to leave but they all sat there on different tables. We looked at each other. We were still hungry and I just remembered that we still had an assignment to complete.

“Um, Elena,” I said quietly as I looked at her.

“Huh?” She said as she looked back at me.

“Our assignments?” I said quietly.

“Oh yeah, you’re right! What time is it?!” she asked me loudly so everyone heard.

We heard a voice to our left

“It’s 9:45.”

We looked and saw Thiago had given us the answer or more Elena as he was staring at her.

“What?! It’s so late already?! Jade we need to go!” Elena said.

“It’s ok, we have about under 11 hours to finish. We hand in at 9,” I said but I knew she was right. We needed to get going.

“Yeah but we need to get our food and get out of here! Nate and Matt must be wondering where we are,” she said.

“Why the rush?” I heard a voice next to me say. I looked to see Ibrahim had asked the question to what seemed to be me. He was staring at me and I was staring back. I felt Elena hit me from behind. At least it was done skillfully and nobody had seen that. I had to tell myself to pull it together and hope that when I answer I speak decently.

“Um, we have assignments due at 9:00 tomorrow morning and we’re not finished yet,” I said relived I managed to say a sentence correctly.

“And from what you just said, you plan to not sleep right?” Cesc asked.

“Yeah,” Elena said.

“You should rather sleep. I’m sure it’s not such a big deal.” Gerard said happily.

Elena and I both gave him a shocked look.

“Not a big deal?” I said.

“If we don’t get this right we’re out of here!” Elena said.

“Meaning we go back with no internship lined up!” I said.

“Which means we are screwed for our degree!” Elena said.

“And that everything we worked for was for nothing!” I said.

“Oh so I guess it is a big deal,” Gerard said surprised.

“You both seem stressed,” Lionel said smoothly.

Elena and I looked at each other. Clearly the stress and sleepless nights had caught up with us. We were letting it out at the players of Barcelona. What the heck were we thinking? Screaming at the people we admire. This was just crazy. What if they told the manager who would then tell Alexander? We could get fired. Elena and I both began to apologize.

“We’re so sorry,” Elena and I said.

“We didn’t mean to scream at you,” I said.

“We don’t know what we were thinking,” Elena said.

“Please don’t fire us,” I said.

“Please, we are so sorry,” Elena said.

“You are both so worried about getting fired!” Cesc said as we both looked at him.

“Even when I first met you, you both told me not to report you. You both should not be apologizing. It’s my fault you are both late, let me get Roberto to make you guys some fast snacks,” Cesc said as he got up. We were both shocked and were about to say thank you when he said,”Oh yes and the coffee,” as he smiled and walked towards the kitchen.

“Guess what?!” Gerard said.

We all turned to look at him.

“We haven’t introduced each other! Ok I’ll go first! Hello, my name is Gerard Pique and I play for Barcelona,” he said with a smile.

Lionel, Thiago and Ibrahim looked like they wanted to laugh as Elena and I gave him a confused look.

“Well go guys! Tell them who you are!” Gerard said.

“Well I’m Thiago Alacantara,” Thiago said as he looked at Elena.

“Um, we um we kinda know who you all are,” I said slowly looking at all of them.

“Really?! I see. But we don’t know who you are! So who are you?” Gerard said inquisitively. Elena and I could feel the stares of the players on us but then I felt them all on me. I assumed they were looking at me for an answer first.

“Um, well, uh, I’m Jade Avery,” I said not sure who I was talking to and then they all turned to look at Elena.

“Um yeah and I’m Elena Riviera,” Elena said just as confused as me.

“Hmm and what brings you both here?” Gerard said.

“Internships,” Cecs said from the side. We all looked to see him coming back from the kitchen. We were both surprised he remembered what we told him.

“The food should be ready soon,” he said with a smile.

“Thank you so much!” Elena and I said.

“No problema,” he said.

“No! We still need to ask them more questions!” Gerard said.

“No we don’t Gerard,” Cesc said shaking his head.

“What type of internships?”

I looked to see Ibrahim staring at me asking the question.

Once again I was staring into his eyes and once again Elena wacked me in the back. This time it was a bit harder and I hoped nobody saw. Though the slight pain I felt worked to my advantage. I somehow managed to put my brain back in gear and answered.

“Um, well I’m studying engineering and stats and Elena is studying medicine,” I said looking into his eyes.

“So you will probably help out with injuries and you with strategies right?” Lionel said looking at Elena then me as we both turned to face him, which came as a surprise to both of us.

“Um, we guess,” Elena said.

Just then we heard the chef come out of the door.

“For you Cesc,” he smiled.

“No for them,” Cesc said as he pointed at us.

The chef looked at us with a smile despite the incident from two days before.

“Hope you enjoy!” the chef said.

“Gracias,” we both said. We both began walking to the table where the food was at but I turned around once again to thank Leo. I really wanted to hug him or some gesture to say thanks but I knew hugging him when I don’t even know him would be strange. Let alone hugging the best player in the world.

“Thank you so much for your jacket,” I said gratefully.

“No te preocupes (Don’t worry),” he said once again with a smile.

“Thanks for the food Cesc,” Elena said with an unsure voice of saying his name.

“No problema, I am so sorry, it was my fault,” he said.

“Yes, it was! It always is actually,” Pique said going into deep thought.

With that we both said bye and left.

Once again Elena and I walked in silence with way too much to process. There was no way in hell Matt or Nate would ever believe us.

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