Chapter 58: Poor Leo...

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A/N: Just want to say thanks to the amazing support :D

Also if you like this story check out my other on called Lay Your Guard Down :) It's a different style but people who like this story tend to like that one too :)

Also if any of you are Teen Wolf or Vampire Diaries fans, check out my other story Not What It Seems which is a crossover of the shows but with all the characters attending the same high school although the same similar supernatural elements from both the shows :) 

Anyway enough from me, enjoy!


“Hey,” I heard Elena say coming through the door with lots of plastic bags.

“Hey,” I said, “How much did you buy?” I asked her looking at the amount of packets she had in her hands.

“Not that much,” she said as if 6 packets full of food were normal, “So you finish up?” she asked me.

“I should have not let you go shopping on your period,” I said shaking my head. “Yeah I just emailed it now, I thought I’d watch some tv and then sleep,” I said.

“Yeah I’ll join you. Hey technically you don’t have any work for tomorrow. I mean you have till the Friday to hand it in right?” she asked me as I walked to the kitchen to help her unpack the groceries. I didn’t think about it but she was actually right.

“Yeah you’re right, “I told her, “But I have to come see how everyone is. Cesc was feeling so bad about it and he said Leo is taking it quite hard too.”

“How do you know that?” she asked me surprised.

“Cesc called me,” I said.

“He called you?! That is crazy!” she said.

“Not really,” I said.

“Hey, he just met you, and this is crazy, but he has your number so he called you baby,” Elena sang as I rolled my eyes.

“Did he say why he called?” she asked me.

“No,” I said thinking he never gave a reason for the call, “We just spoke.”

“So he just wanted to speak to you?” she said and I could see she had that look in her eye.

“What?” I asked her.

“Nothing,” she said.

“Oh please, you have that look, tell me,” I said.

“It’s just, people sometimes want people to comfort them and normally they would turn to their partner but it seemed he turned to you,” she said smiling.

“You don’t know that, he could have spoken to his girlfriend,” I said.

“You said he was feeling bad, if his girlfriend cheered him up then why did he have to speak to you?” she asked me.

“Just because he wanted to,” I said not really knowing why.

“Exactly!” she said as if she caught me out, “He just wanted to speak to you Jade.”

“So?” I asked her.

“So he likes you,” she said. I sighed. Not this again.

“What if he just wanted to talk to get a different perspective?” I asked her, “Or as friends? Nate will call me when something’s up, how is this any different?” I asked her.

Interns at FC BarcelonaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora