Chapter 2: Need To Pack

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Elena, Nate and I were waiting at our favorite café. Matt said he’d meet us here and tell us the news. Naturally he never mentioned whether it was good or bad. Just said he’ll let us know.

“Why does your cousin do this to us?” I asked Elena irritably.

“How must I know? He’s an idiot.” Elena said annoyed. I could tell she was nervous just like me. It was already a long shot but Matt kept telling us not to look for other internships because he really thought we had a chance.

“If this doesn’t work out, Matt better find us the best internships ever.” Nate said.

“Agreed,” Elena and I said together.

Just then we heard the door open and we all turned to see Matt enter.

“What took you so long?!” Elena asked.

“Jeez, not even a hello first?” Matt asked.

“Come on Matt, she has a point,” I said.

“Yeah, you didn’t even tell me where you were!” Nate said.

“Yeah well you know I had things to do, this internship thing is not that important and-,” Matt said.

“Not that important?!” Elena shrieked.

“Are you crazy Matt?!” I shrieked after.

“Matt, dude, our degrees depend on that!” Nate shouted.

“We need it or we fail!” Elena screamed.

“You told us not to look Matt, why did I trust you?” I said.

“Matt we asked you about this!” Nate said.

“So we got the internship in Barcelona-,” Matt began to say.

“You just don’t care about us do you?” I said.

“I thought you’re my best friend,” Nate said

“Yeah, you, all about yourself,” Elena said.

As we all finished our sentences our delayed reaction sensors kicked in.

“Wait did you just say-“ Nate said.

“No way it’s not –“ I said.

“Possible! Oh my gosh it is! It is right?” Elena asked Matt.

“Yes it is, we got internships in Barcelona,” Matt said smugly.

“Oh so you mean just in the city,” Nate said.

“That’s amazing!” I said.

“The fact that I will be in the same city as Puyol,” Elena said.

“And Villa!” I said

“And Messi!” Elena said

“Yeah and Xavi!” Nate said.

“Actually not really,” Matt said.

We all turned to look at him with confusion.

“What do you mean by that Matt?” Elena said slowly.

“Well you guys said that you’ll be in the same city as your favorite players,” Matt said.

“Yeah…” I said.

“Oh no Matt don’t tell me you’ve got us some random apartment in the middle of nowhere!” Nate said.

He smirked at us

“You won’t only be in the same city” he said and took a long pause as we all waited in anticipation, “You’ll be in the same building.”

All of a sudden there were 3 people screaming in the café going crazy. Yes it was Elena, Nate and I. Everyone stared but we couldn’t care.

“Matt I Love you!” Elena said.

“I love you too!” I said.

“Dude even I love you,” Nate said.

“Nice, you guys love me when I get you things but that’s the good news. There is a slight downside,” Matt began.

“How could there possibly be a downside?” Elena asked.

“Well the thing is I was speaking to my dad and he is not that close to Cryuff,” Matt said.

“Yeah but he got us in so I rate he is close enough!” I said.

“No what I mean is we’re going to have to work hard and prove ourselves or they will kick us out and that won’t look good at all,” Matt said.

“Ok, well that’s fine, I mean it is about getting work experience,” Nate said, “I’m sure we can start preparing now.”

“Nope. We’ll find out what we do when we get there. Let’s just hope it’s not cleaning toilets. Oh and Elena and Jade don’t even say “but it’s the toilets that Villa and Xavi use. Oooohhhh” Matt said in a mock female voice.

“We won’t Matt,” I said.

“So when do we leave?” Elena asked.

“On Friday.” Matt said casually.

“Friday is tomorrow Matt, so next week right?” Nate said.

“No we leave tomorrow,” Matt said calmly.

“What?!” Elena, Nate and I said. Once again everyone stared.

“Matt?! Not even a day to pack!” Elena said.

“Yeah you guys should get packing I guess,” Matt said.

“What? This is crazy!” I said.

“No, this is so Matt,” Nate said and gave his friend a look.

“So guys how bout we have a nice lunch-“ Matt said.

“Are you crazy we have to go pack!” Elena said grabbing her stuff and she left out the door.

“Yeah Matt, I don’t even know if I’ll finish!” I said and left.

I could not believe it. I have an internship not even my dreams could have imagined. I just hope it’s everything I want it to be. 

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