Chapter 96: Problems With Cesc

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Sorry sorry sorry for the delay! Here you go! :) Love you guys! <3

Demi and Alexis stared at me speechless. Normally in this situation I would have an amused smile on my face but after what the board told me this wasn't a joke. I couldn't decide who had disappointed me more.

"We were uh," Demi said not knowing what to say and avoiding eye contact.

"We were discussing um," Alexis said trying to think of a plausible reason.

"His commercial," Demi said a bit too quickly.

"In a storeroom?" I asked sternly raising my eyebrows. They both stayed silent for a while until Alexis spoke.

"I have to go," Alexis said awkwardly as he began to walk.

"How could you?" I asked Alexis and I could see he felt bad but he knew what he was doing. I had just told him earlier how serious this whole situation was.

"I'm sorry Jade," he said.

"If you were you wouldn't have done it in the first place," I said upset at the two of them.

"He doesn't answer to you Jade," Demi said as I looked at her slightly stunned.

"I didn't mean to sound rude, I just-," she said quickly.

"Demi you know what the board said!" I said cutting her off not knowing why she didn't understand how serious it was.

"I know," she said calmly, "But no one saw us."

"This time, what about next time?" I asked and I couldn't believe she didn't see how it was a big deal.

"Look I really need to get to training," Alexis said, "Demi, I'll see you later."

I stared at him not believing what he said.

"For my commercial," he told me as he walked past.

"I can't believe it," I said in disbelief as he walked off.

"Jade," Demi said trying to calm me down.

"Demi this is not a joke," I said.

"How do you feel about Cesc?" she asked me.

"What?" I said as she caught me off guard.

"How do you feel about Cesc?" she repeated.

"What does that have to do with anything?" I asked her confused at why she was bringing Cesc up in this.

"It has everything to do with explaining things," she said, "Tell me you don't sneak around trying to see Cesc."

For a few seconds I didn't know what to say to her. Just a few minutes ago I was chatting to Cesc knowing the repercussions.

"Now do you understand?" she asked gently.

"If you could be with Cesc, we all know you'd be with him," she said, "Unfortunately he has a girlfriend but tell me you don't still try and sneak around here to see him."

I couldn't lie, I did just see Cesc. I was lucky that Pep didn't make a big deal of seeing us together. If he wanted to, he could have. I was being a hypocrite. I was going to apologize when I remembered how she followed me to lunch with Cesc.

"I still cannot believe you spied on me," I said changing the subject. For a moment she was unsure what I was speaking about but then her facial expression showed she understood.

"Look, I'm sorry but to be fair it was Pique's idea. He is the one that convinced Cesc to have that lunch date with you and-," she said.

"It wasn't a date," I said clarifying things.

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