Chapter 93: Trouble

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Hey everyone! I did not know but apparently Wattpad only allows 100 chaps per story? Let me know if that's true because this will be over 100 chapters! :p 


I was surprised that I had managed to finish at around 3 am. I emailed my work to Hector and hoped he wouldn't take much notice of the time. I was not too worried about it though because as long as he had it by the morning, it was still meeting the deadline. I instantly feel asleep on my bed exhausted from the events that took place throughout the day. I tried but I didn't get a good night's rest. All my thoughts were just jumbled and it created odd dreams that didn't make any sense.

I heard my alarm finally go off at 7. I didn't bother to even press the snooze button because I was not even getting proper sleep. I still felt decently awake but I knew later in the day I would have an energy drop. I dragged myself out of bed noticing I slept in my clothes and headed to the bathroom for a shower. I got out and was busy deciding on what to wear when I heard a knock at the door.
"Hey Jade, I need to go in early so I'll see you later in the office," I heard Elena say.
"Sure, ok," I said while still deciding what to wear. Clearly I was still tired because my brain couldn't put together any outfit and I was just kind of in a daze.
"Ok I need coffee," I said to myself as I walked to the kitchen in my towel. I smiled as I saw a fresh hot cup just made by Elena. I took a sip and took the cup back to my room. Soon enough I was dressed and ready to go. I sat on my bed smiling while thinking about Ibrahim and last night. I felt happy and nothing was going to ruin that. Just then I heard my phone. I assumed it was Ibrahim but it wasn't.

Jade, we need to talk urgently

It was from Cesc. Trust one sms from him to instantly change my mood. What did he want to speak about and what was so urgent? His message was not like his normal messages, it was blunt. I didn't call him because I knew he wanted to speak face to face with me otherwise he would have called himself.

I went to take the normal metro. As I was on it I noticed a teenage girl watching me. She wasn't just looking generally because she looked at me, down at her phone and then back at me, staring directly at me. It was strange and I wondered if I had something on my face. I took out my phone and used my front camera to check but I couldn't see anything look out of place. As I got off and was walking towards the stadium, I noticed 2 guys looking around my age also staring at me. I didn't get what they were staring at. I checked if something was on my clothes but it seemed fine.

Jade, you probably are imagining things, you are sleep deprived.

I figured I was just seeing things and ignored it. I did notice that an older man gave me an odd stare as I entered the stadium.

What is going on?
"Hey Ricardo," I greeted him tiredly as I walked into the building.
"Jade," he said worriedly, "Do you know what you are going to say?" he asked me and I looked at him confused. Say about what?
"What are you talking about?" I asked him puzzled.
"You mean you don't know?" he asked me and I just looked at him confused. He handed me a newspaper and I looked at it in shock. There was a larger picture of Cesc and I having lunch at the restaurant.
Oh no.
I began to panic. It clicked, that's why those people were staring at me and what Cesc wanted to speak to me about.
"Ricardo, what does the article say?" I asked him horrified. He paused before he spoke almost like he didn't want to tell me.
"Something along the lines that you are the girl that Cesc is cheating with. They say you're destroying his and Daniella's relationship," he said as if he didn't want to tell me the bad news.
"What?! That's not true!" I said, "We just spoke! It wasn't a date!"
"Well Cesc has a lot of the press following him because he is the Barca boy that returned," he said.
"Look, It's not your fault," he said and I could see he meant it.
"Yeah but who is going to believe that?" I asked wondering what the public thought about me.
"Miss Avery," I heard Hector say strictly to me, "Meeting, now," he said and I didn't need to be told more. I knew exactly what this meeting was going to be about. I could see everything slipping away. All my work was about to be destroyed by one picture.

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