Chapter 32: Thiago? Delivery?

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That night I had a decent sleep but some weird dreams. I couldn’t remember them that well but I had a feeling it had to do with all the players.  I felt good but confused when I got up. I got ready and when I got to the kitchen Elena was ready as well. We ate breakfast and like yesterday, met up with the others. On the way to the stadium it finally hit me that this would become routine for all of us. I could not have asked for a better internship. Once we all got to the stadium we all started with work. Occasionally now and then someone would go for a meeting and return later. I decided I needed some coffee since I skipped it this morning. At this point there was no one in the office so I went to the cafeteria alone.

“Hey Ricardo,” I greeted him again at the reception.

“Hola Jade!” he said happily.

“I’m going to the cafeteria, can I get you anything?” I asked him.

“Gracias for asking Jade but I’m ok, thanks,” he said.

“Are the players training here today?” I asked him secretly hoping for a yes.

“No not today, I think they might be here tomorrow,” he said.

“Oh I see, thanks. Well, see you just now,” I said and then headed for the cafeteria. This time I scanned my card and was granted access. After Elena and my episode, I always remembered my card. Well you wouldn’t have met Cesc if it weren’t for that. I smiled remembering what had happened that day.

I went to the coffee machine and waited for my coffee to be made.

“Jade,” I heard a voice I thought I knew. I turned and was shocked to find who was there.

“Thiago?” I said more as a question than a name. He smiled.

“I’m headed to training, just came to pick up my other boots,” he said as I nodded.

“How are you?” I asked him.

“I’m good, how are you?” he asked.

“I’m good,” I said.

“So I heard you all got your internships,” he said.

“We did,” I said with a smile.

“Is Elena around?” he asked hopefully. I swear it’s not my mind playing tricks on me, he likes her.

“She is actually in a meeting now,” I said and I noticed his face fall a bit.

“Oh I see, well I just wanted to tell her congratulations,” he said.

“I’ll tell her you said that,” I told him.

“Gracias,” he said, “Well I’m off to practice, I’ll see you around.”

I nodded as he began to walk off when I got this idea.

“Thiago,” I called after him.

“You know what, I can give you Elena’s number so you can, er, tell her yourself,” I said acting like Elena now. Well technically this is not being forward since you’re not giving your number. You’re being a good friend I thought justifiably.

“Really?” He asked.

“Yeah,” I said giving Elena’s number to him.

“I guess if she doesn’t answer she’s in a meeting but you can message her,” I said but it just hit me, how forward I have been.

“Ok thanks a lot Jade,” he said cheefully.

“No problem,” I said wondering how Elena might react.

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