Chapter 2

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Jisung's POV

08 october, 2028

Seoul, Korea

Prince's life in a gang: 'You don't know who's gonna die next'

A newspaper was on the table, probably someone left it there. As I stepped into the Cafe where I was working, I spotted it and took it with me to throw it. But the title on the very first page was interesting, so I kept it for me to read later. I passed through other tables and I ended up facing the bartender, a girl I met three months ago when I started working here.

"Mila!" I waved at her and she smiled brightly.


She seemed happy to see me, she left whatever she was doing and came closer to hug me. We were the same age, but we were in different schools, so we never met before.

"What's up?" I asked and she rolled her eyes. "This guy? I saw that he's here again."

"He's still asking for you, Jisung..." She mumbled.

There was a man that came here every day for a few hours and sometimes Mila would tell me that he had been asking for me, sometimes he would just stay there and watch me while I do my job. I was getting worried about it, he might be a serial killer or something.

I came behind the bar and went to the staff room to get dressed for work. Of course, Mila asked our other coworker to deal with the rest of the dishes she was cleaning and then came after me.

"He asked me how old you were and when your shift started. I know that he's a hundred percent sure when your shift starts. I just..."

"I will talk with him." I left the newspaper on the bench and opened my locker. I took my clothes and I started undressing. I could see her taking the newspaper and since she was silent, I could say that she was reading it.

"What is this?" she asked me and passed it to me. I shrugged standing there shirtless.

"I saw it on the first table to the door."

She sighed.

"Prince?" she asked me. "Hwang, what was his name again? This guy is similar to Prince, I mean... Look at him, he looks so much like him! And I assumed they might have something in common, but... His name is Hyunjin, all we need to see now is if Prince's real name is Hyunjin." She started explaining, almost screaming out of joy. She was giggling and clapping.

"So...? This shit is pretty not funny, Mila!" I rolled my eyes and placed the newspaper in my locker. I didn't know what was written, I knew only that there was an article about one of the best businessmen here in Korea and that was it. And I was sure that his business couldn't be an only fair business. But this guy that came every single day here... He didn't even give me that vibe of a businessman. He wasn't dressed in suits or anything to make me think about him like that.

"This guy told me that his name was Hyunjin. When he asked me today where are you and when are you starting work, I asked him to tell me who's interested in you and he said that his name was Hyunjin." Mila explained while I was trying to forget about the guy that was here every day.

"This can't be true," I mumbled and finally put on my t-shirt. I looked at her and sighed. "Let me deal with him, okay?"

She nodded and headed to go back to work, and I locked my locker and went out a few seconds later. I started my shift as always. I grabbed the cloth and the spray cleaner and went to the other side of the cafe. I could feel Mila's eyes on me, probably curious what was going to happen if this guy and I had a small talk. I didn't give a damn, I just wanted him to stop coming each and every day here just to see me. This was creepy.

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