Chapter 22

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Tao's POV

Grand Palace, Bangkok, Thailand

17 October, 2028

It was our anniversary day and we were walking through the Grand Palace. I was looking around just to admire this place as much as I can, while Kris was most probably admiring me and my happiness. I looked at him stopping for a while and he asked me what was the problem. Then I just kissed him and told him that I loved him so much, he smiled in return and showed me a place, where a woman was selling some flowers. He knew how much I loved flowers and no matter if they were for women or not, I was happy whenever he brought me a bouquet of any kind.

"Can you please give me that one?" He asked the lady and she passed a bouquet to him. "Thanks, here you go!" He gave her more money than was written on the price tag and turned to me. "Happy anniversary, Z.''He gave me the flowers and I smiled, smelling them.

"Thank you so much, love!" I said and kissed him again. "Can we go there?" I asked and showed him a place where they were selling ice cream. "I want some!"

"Of course, you will want some." He laughed and took me by the hand. I was shocked the whole time because usually, he would never let his bodyguards leave him like that. Only I knew this side of him and only I knew how much he wanted me to keep it a secret. But I guess since we're going to have a baby, He had to do it.

"Z, seriously, stop dragging me like that!" He said and I let him walk on his own. "That didn't mean to not hold my hand." He said a little annoyed. I giggled. "You really don't think that someone can change, do you?"

"Someone can change, but you... To change your mind about hiding our relationship..." I told him and he laughed. "I'm sorry!" I shrugged. "I just thought that we will hide forever!"

"Well..." He chuckled. "Forever ends now."

"Nice." I smiled and bought some ice cream from the man standing behind the showcase. Kris didn't like ice cream. I didn't know why, but he tried it a few times after we were already dating and he... he just didn't like it. But I loved ice cream just as much as I loved him. Which is VERY much.

"So..." He started and grabbed my free hand. "Can I hold it?" He asked and I nodded. The flowers were in his other hand because I needed to hold my ice cream too. "Like forever?" He asked and I looked at him a little surprised.

"What do you mean forever?"

"I mean... Can I hold your hand forever?"

"Yes, of course!" I smiled. "Of course, Kris!" I repeated and he kissed my cheek.

"And can I have these cheeks forever?"

"Yes?" I murmured.

"Mmm.. What about the lips?"


"Can I get lost in your eyes each and every time I see them forever and ever?"


I wasn't able to say exactly what he was doing at the moment, but I liked this side of him somehow.

"And uh... Can I give you something special?" He asked and I nodded.

"What special thing?"

"My surname?" He asked and I stopped looking at him completely lost in whatever was going on at this moment.


He kneeled in front of me, placing the flowers on his thigh. He took out something small from his pocket and suddenly I saw him opening a small ring box. I gulped. I had no idea that he was doing this. "Will you be my husband?"

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