Chapter 113

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Seonghwa's POV
15 November 2028
Seoul, Korea

It was half the work day and I was going crazy. San finally started explaining the actual work to Seojun and he was just terrible. The conversations with him were as if you were talking with a baby. He simply wasn't understanding you.

"Uhh... What did I have to do again?" His annoying voice reached my ears and I rolled my eyes.

He told you a second ago.

"I just told you this." San groaned.


"Yes, but I didn't get it." Seojun smiled innocently and I wanted to throw him out of the room.

"Then why did you nod when I asked you if you understood?" San was seconds away from yelling.

"Because I didn't want you to repeat."

"But now I have to repeat too!"

"San," I called him and he looked at me. "Can you come for a second?" He nodded, stood up from his chair, and walked to me. I typed quickly on my phone and gave it to him so he could read it: 'let's go eat something, I am going crazy'.

"Soomin texted me that she needs help," I said so he could get the hint while Seojun would think we were going to do something and wouldn't come with us to have lunch.

"Let's go and help her." He nodded and looked me in the eyes. The moment our eyes met I felt my body getting numb.

We rushed out of the door and when we were no longer there, I looked at him. My eyes were enough to tell him that I was irritated. My unasked questions were answered.

"I swear, I don't know how to keep on doing this..." He whispered to me and I sighed.

"Let's go now!"

We went downstairs. I asked San if he wanted us to go to the nearest restaurant because this was going to be the best place to hide from the new cop he was teaching for the second day in a row. I could feel how angry San was, and he needed just a couple of minutes after we ordered to start explaining.

"Like... You were acting like you're stupid... But you are not stupid! No... Not if I have to compare you with him!"

I laughed. This was San. Bullying me, teasing me, joking with me, but sharing his problems, as if I was important to him. I smiled, ever since I got shot, I wanted this. My old Sannie back. I leaned on the table, probably looking like a teenager in love, but I was just happy to be with him. With the real him.

"But how can you not understand that? You're cutting the mugshot, desaturate and save!" He groaned and sighed. "Why do I have to explain the easiest things over and over again? And what if Mr. Han wants me to take him into action? He's not going to get in the hospital, he's going straight to the grave with his stupidity!" San groaned, but our burgers arrived in front of us, and we started eating. I wasn't talking with him, instead, I let him tell me everything he wanted to. I let him share all the emotions he had in himself at the moment, so he could feel a bit better.

"Can you imagine this?" San was continuing. "Him... In action? On a case? What if the murderer comes back to the crime scene and decides to shoot?" San laughed. "We won't catch anyone!"

"Maybe you're right..." I whispered as I was finishing my burger.

"I know!" He groaned with his mouth filled with the last piece of his burger. "I mean, how can someone be that dumb? He's more than stupid... He's retarded!" San continued and I chuckled.

"You never know. It's not appropriate to act like that towards retarded people..." I reminded him. "But he really is retarded."

"Uh, I know!" He mumbled, his mouth full with food.

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