Chapter 112

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Jisung's POV
15 November, 2028
Seoul, Korea

Me, my mom and my father sat in the car and I unlocked my phone.
HJ: Jisung?
HJ: are you here?
HJ: Is everything alright?
HJ: do I need to come?
JS: we are going to have lunch
I wrote and looked outside the window. I bit my lip because I didn't want to smile. Why was I feeling good, knowing how worried he was for me? I wanted him to leave me after the dates were over and getting attached to him wasn't going to be good so I needed to stop. But how do you stop, when he's filling that missing piece of my puzzle?
HJ: if you want me to come please call me!
This time I smiled. My mom was looking at me. I immediately stopped smiling.
JS: I will be okay.
I replied back and left it.
"Hanjieeeeee...." my mom whispered, turning around.
"What, mom?" I looked at her, pretending that nothing had happened.
"Oh, you tell me that." She smiled, still whispering. The car stopped and I saw we were at a gas station.
"I have nothing to say," I mumbled and my dad got out of the car.
"You are not texting with the boys, aren't you?"
"I don't know what..."
"Just tell me!" She mumbled. "I want to know, Hanji. It's obvious that there is something... Excuse me, someone." She giggled.
"There is someone. But nothing is happening or going to happen." I explained. "I won't be doing anything with anyone before I go to Italy," I explained. "Remember? No boyfriends before Italy."
"Oh, my boy..." She sighed and my dad got into the car.
"What are you talking about?" He asked.
"Oh, nothing, gossiping about Felix and Lino." She said, winking at me before turning around. I knew she was going to ask more about Hyunjin once we were alone.
When we stopped in front of the restaurant my mom got out of the car and helped me get out just as she did when I was younger. I jumped and we both giggled a bit before getting into the restaurant, my father following us.
We sat at a table and soon the waiter came with menus. I opened one of them and started reading the lines with food. I had no idea what I wanted to eat. By the time we were ready to order food, mom ordered water and dad ordered whiskey for himself. I ordered berry juice and kept on flipping through the pages, just because I wasn't sure what to eat yet.
"Hanji, do you want to eat soup?" My mother asked and I looked at her, nodding.
"Yes, that sounds good."
"What do you want?" My mom turned to my father and he told her that he wanted steak. The waiter came back with our drinks and we said what we wanted to eat. He wrote everything and left again.
"Did you spend the night with Felix or Lino?"
I wanted to run away. What was I supposed to tell her? I couldn't tell her and my father that I was with Hyunjin. My mom was going to ask me later for him but at least she was going to do it when we were alone. My father wasn't going to be very pleased to find out that his son was going out with an older man almost every night. And not only that I was going out with him but also that I was spending some nights at his house when I was telling him I was at Felix's house.
Why don't you tell them what happened last night when you were supposed to grieve for your sister? Why don't you tell them how you were begging Hyunjin to touch you? Or how good he blew you? Or how you yelled his name?
"I was with Felix," I mumbled, ignoring my thoughts which were triggering memories from last night.
"And Lino wasn't with you?" My mom sounded surprised. But it was only because she didn't know what had happened with me and Minho.
"No, we are not talking much lately."
"You two are fighting?" My father spoke.
"He doesn't want to talk to me," I whispered. "But I guess he will start talking to me once he's done with this childish idea of acting stupid." I groaned and felt my phone vibrating. I wished it was Hyunjin, but it was too inappropriate for me to check it right now.
My father started explaining that I should act like a grown man and I should talk with him, but at this point, I knew it wasn't the best option.
Soon, the drinks were here as well as a small metal bucket filled with ice. I drank a bit of the juice and took my phone.
"Tell the boys that they should come home while I'm here. Lino too!" My mom instructed me.
I nodded and opened the message from Hyunjin.
HJ: Please, love. If there's something, just call me. I don't care about anything, but you!
I smiled and wrote something really fast and sent it.
JS: dw imma b ok
I left my phone aside and saw my dad's frown. I smiled at him and he nodded. We continued talking about mom's project and then switched to dad's work. Anything else was fine, I preferred them talking about each other's lives than about me and my love life because mom was way too curious. Maybe she just knew I was lying?
They brought my father's dish and told me and my mother that they would bring our soups in a while. My mom nodded and thanked him.
"I'll go wash my hands." My father announced as he got up from his chair. My mother waited for him to go away and looked at me with a big smirk.
"Now tell me, whose house you were into? Because you lied to me, your nostrils got bigger."
"Mom..." I groaned and hid my face in my hands.
"You have a boyfriend!" My mom cheered while I blushed.
"I told you that nothing is going to happen between us,'' I mumbled. "I have to go to Italy."
"Is this the only thing that's stopping you?" She removed my hands from my face and my eyes met hers.
"It's a valid reason," I whispered, thinking about him.
"Your father is coming but we are not finished." She giggled.
We didn't wait much till the soups were in front of us and we started eating. The soup was a little bit unsalted but my phone vibrated and I grabbed it before I even thought about the fact that we were eating. I started reading Hyunjin's message while holding my phone with one of my hands. With the other, I moved the bucket with the ice and took the salt.
HJ: I don't want to bother you or sound desperate to see you
HJ: I am just worried and I want you to be okay
HJ: And I miss you already
My smile got huge when I read the last one. There was no power in the world that could make me hide it. I put salt in my dish and then left it, returning my eyes to the screen. I started texting him, and when I sent the message, I left my phone.
I started eating. We sat in silence while we were busy with our food, but once we were about to finish, mom and dad started talking again.
I finished my soup and took my phone because Hyunjin sent me a couple more messages.
JS: I know, I know. I can say the same, but this is a secret!
HJ: Ooh, you're now telling me your secrets!
HJ: How cute, my baby boy misses me...
HJ: I should do something about this, right?
JS: No, no! You can't!
JS: My parents
And my mom interrupted me.
"Who are you texting? The boys?" She asked and I nodded. I couldn't tell her otherwise in front of my father.
"Ask them to come home tonight! We will all be distracted!"
I shrugged.
"I don't know if they will be able to come... But okay."
And I opened the chat with Felix to ask him to come home tonight.
Sunggie: Mom is inviting you to a dinner
Lixxie: Of course!
Lixxie: I would love to come
Lixxie: I miss her
"Lix said he will come because he misses you," I told her and she smiled brightly.
"Really? I miss him too! What about the rest?"
"They won't be able to come," I mumbled and sighed. I didn't even want to ask them. I wanted to be with my mom and I didn't want her attention focused on someone else. Felix was the only exception I was going to make.
And Hyunjin...
I wanted to slap myself but I wanted him to meet mom. I wanted to see how she would react when she met him or what she was going to say. At the same time, I was scared to think about that. What if she said she doesn't like him?
You don't want him in your life so why is this important?
Because no matter how much I was denying it I wanted him in my life. Did this mean that I was going to tell him to stay at the end of the dates? No. But the facts were here. I needed him around me right now more than I needed my mother and this was scary. 

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