Chapter 171

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Seungmin's POV
23 November 2028
Seoul, Korea

Changbin stopped in front of my house. We were talking about the game we played earlier so he got out of the car too, in order for us to finish our conversation. We stopped in front of the front door, neither of us seeming like we wanted to separate from each other. Since we were still wet and it was getting really cold outside I started to feel chills run down my body.

"Do you want to go in?" I asked him suddenly, interrupting him mid-sentence.

"Huh?" Changbin looked confused, probably not realizing what I had asked him.

"It's cold, we are wet, my parents are not home so if you want you can just stay here." I blurted and waited for his answer.

"Are you sure they will be..." He started, but I just smiled and took his hand.

"Come on, it's freezing outside!"

"Wait, I need to lock my car, at least!" Bin laughed and got outside running to his car, getting inside probably so he could take his things, before he got out, locked it, and came back inside, his lips curved into a smile.

"Now let's go and get ourselves dry and clean." I showed him my room.

"When I came here to the party Flora threw two years ago, I got into your room by accident." He admitted.

"What?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah..." He mumbled awkwardly. "I think I was looking for the restroom but accidentally opened your door and entered your room," Changbin explained and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I don't remember this," I commented as we walked inside my room and I closed the door.

"Of course you don't." Changbin laughed. "You were playing with your headphones. You didn't realize someone had walked in nor did you hear me when I apologized."

"Ohh, I'm sorry..." I said but he shook his head and started looking around the room. "You can go take a sho~"

"No, no." He cut me off. "You go first. You got really cold while we were outside."

"Are you sure?" I questioned.

"Yes, I'll wait for you here." Changbin smiled.

I went to shower and while I was away from him, alone with my thoughts I remembered the awkward moment on the snow. I think I thought about this because I was on top of him, but thinking about how his body would look without these clothes on it for sure made me ashamed. I melted in the shower, thinking about my stupid thoughts earlier, so I decided that I should get out as soon as possible because Changbin had to take a shower too. When I got out, I saw him holding one of my medals.

"A medal? Since when there are..."

"Our team BloodyRose played last year at the competition. I guess this was the first competition where the prizes were medals and not a trophy." I shrugged. "Also, here's that..." I went closer to him, holding my towel tight around my waist. I stretched my arm towards one of my shelves and took a plaquette to show him. "Is because I had the most kills among all competitors!" I smiled when he looked at me confused. He slowly took it and nodded fast.

"You're really good at this!" He assured me.

"I bloody know!" I cheered and sat on my bed. "Go take a shower, I will leave you clothes and will go downstairs to make something warm for us to drink. Are you hungry? I think we have..."

"I'm not," he assured me and took the towel I left for him before I got into the shower.

"I'll make noodles," I told him just before he went out.

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