Chapter 95

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Seonghwa's POV
13 November, 2028
Seoul, Korea

I had no idea how to go to work today. Ever since San left this house on 9th of November, I was doubting that he was sincere and this made me scared to face him again. I knew he could be cruel, but that cruel? I hoped that when I went to the office, he would already have something to make his mind busy. I didn't know what to expect honestly and this is why when I got up, I decided to stay in bed for a bit more. I was getting ready so slowly and then I just sighed sitting on the counter, not ready to go out.

As I was sitting in the kitchen, I remembered San. I could almost see him here, without a t-shirt and cooking for me. But this was just because he wanted to make me feel insufficient. It was to make me feel like I am useless and I wasn't able to take care of myself.

I sighed and checked the time on my phone. It was time to go but I really didn't want to. Remembering how one week ago I wanted to go to work even though I had to lay in bed, I wanted to slap myself because now I was the total opposite. I wanted to stay home but I needed to go. I walked out of my house and locked the door. The usually rather long drive to work now seemed as if not more than five minutes had passed.

When I walked into my office the first thing I saw was San who was already working on his desk. He looked up at me without raising his head for a second, before he returned them to the documents in front of him again.

"The fact that it's your first day doesn't mean you should be late." He mumbled and I froze. His voice was colder than the ice and I definitely wasn't used to hearing it. It was a voice he talked to me with when we first met. Recently he was way warmer but I guess that was over. I checked the time and then looked back at him.

"I'm five minutes late." I almost whispered.

"And you think this is acceptable?" He didn't even look at me as he asked.

"No, but I think that you're not my boss." I sighed and sat on my desk. Since I wasn't fully recovered, me and San weren't going to work on the hardest cases. Or at least, this was what Mr. Han told me the last time we spoke on the phone. I started my computer and when it was fully loaded, I started checking up on the latest news.

"The pile of documents should be checked. Then, put the documents in the files and you can go."

I looked at San, he was just pointing at the pile of documents.

Wait, these documents will take forever!

I rolled my eyes and didn't get up. I had no intention of giving him that pleasure. I knew that he said that just to make fun of me.

"Are you deaf?'' he asked when he saw that I wasn't going to get up but I just ignored him.

I wasn't going to let San play with me.

"Seonghwa!" Mr. Han opened the door and looked at me. I smiled and tried to get up so I could bow but he stopped me telling me there was no need since I was still injured. "I guess San already told you." He stared and stepped closer to the pile of documents San showed me a while ago. "You will have to check these documents and then put them in files."

"Yeah, he already told me." I mumbled and glanced at San only to meet his I-told- you look.

"Okay then, I will leave you." The man said and started walking towards the door. "I'm happy you are back, Seonghwa." Was the last thing he said before walking out.

"I told you." San almost hissed. I rolled my eyes and got up to get some of the documents on the pile and started working on them.

I tried to collect my thoughts. I tried to find a reason for San to tell me that he liked me. I tried to find a way to explain this whole situation, but I couldn't. All I could do was to feel like I would never guess the real reason for this lame joke. But I had to. And my mind started circling around the possibilities of San to say that because this was the truth, but I couldn't find a rational explanation to everything San had done.

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