Chapter 44

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Seonghwa POV
25 October, 2028
Seoul, Korea

"You miss me already?" I laughed, picking up and he sighed. I bet he was rolling his eyes at the moment, but that just made me laugh more. "So, what's this time?"

"I hate you!" He yelled and hung up on me. I laughed again, thinking to myself that this was my partner and I really appreciate the fact that he's finally being himself again. The moment after, the device still in my hand started ringing. I took it and picked up, thinking it was San again, but hearing a different voice made me freeze.

"Do you know how stupid it is to make me take all the work from you?"

It was Kai, one of the two models that Hyunjin was okay with changing me. I didn't say anything because I still didn't know him that much and the fact that I think he is too weird is not helping me at all.


"So stop being absent!" The other one snorted. "You know how I want to kill you already and every time when I have to take your place and DO your photoshoots I get even more mad." Kai kept on talking.

"I'm sorry, someone's calling me." I hung up on him, lying to him and placed the phone on my stomach. I rolled my eyes and closed them slightly. I was sick of having so many fights with Kai and since he wasn't that frequent in the agency it had started to be better. Now I think everything just broke apart.

And when I was just thinking about it, my phone rang again. I picked up, thinking it was Kai and just yelled.

"You get so much money for doing just one of my photoshoots, stop calling me and fucking start working!"

The quiet voice on the other side made me freeze.

"Seonghwa?" A whisper. "Are you okay, bud?"

"San?" I asked and sighed. "Thought you were someone else."

San was explaining to me what happened that day. Honestly, I thought that this was a bit unfair. And I felt sorry for him. I was the one to blame because he has to go to work in the prison.

"I'm really sorry, San." I mumbled quietly.

"For what?" He spoke and I sighed.

"That you have to go to the prison because of me." I said and he made an annoyed sound.

"Next time you should try using your head. You know you have a brain for a reason?" His words made me roll my eyes but still my lips curved into a smile. I was happy that we were talking on the phone because I didn't need to hide it.

"Ha-ha... Very funny."

"It's quiet here." San said so quietly that I barely heard him. Sometimes I wondered if he was that ass he was all the time, or there were times he was acting like a normal person. Right now he was acting like a completely normal person and honestly, I was starting to like him even more. My smile was growing bigger and bigger.

"You always wanted me to leave. Enjoy your time alone!" I teased him with a little chuckle in the end.

"I really hate you." He whispered.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you want to believe." I mumbled. "We both know that you miss my company right now."

The silence I got from him made me giggle.

"I just want you back so I won't have to work there." He told me.

"Is baby San scared of the prison?" I laughed and I heard his sigh.

"Will you shut the fuck up? I tried to be nice for a change!"

The next thing I heard was the signal for the end of the call. I sighed and left the phone on my chest. I smiled and I may have looked like an idiot at that moment, but I was really happy that he called me. That meant that he missed me. Maybe not as much as I missed him, but it was still something.

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