Chapter 27

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Jisung's POV
Seoul, Korea
20 October 2028

"So?" Felix asked suddenly as we were going into the cafeteria. I sat on one chair and looked up at the rest of the boys. "What do you want? Hyunjin?"

"No, you stupid!" I hissed and laughed. My eyes stopped at Minho, who wasn't even talking with me and I had no idea why. I was kinda sick of his constant mood swings, but Felix mentioning Hyunjin was making him even madder. I didn't say a word, just sighed.

"What do you want for lunch?" Felix asked again. Seungmin and Jeonging were quietly talking about something.

"A sandwich!" I told him and he nodded. I was left alone, but they got here soon. Everyone sat on the free chairs and we started eating.

"I want to know why you are mad at me!" I pushed Minho and he just glanced at me for a while. I shook my head.

"I will tell you." Felix said with his mouth full of sandwich.

"Please!" I begged and left the sandwich on the plate. I overheard that Seungmin was whispering something to Jeonin, but what Felix had to say was more important.

"You texted us yesterday. We went to the therapist, but she said someone picked you up already. When we got to your house, you were sleeping on Hyunjin. Minho didn't want to leave, but Hyunjin showed us a sign to keep quiet and leave you to sleep."

"Ah, so you came?" I asked quietly.

"Yes, but you were already sleeping." Felix told me and nodded. "Minho thought that Hyunjin drugged you or..."

"God, no!" I yelled. "He came to the therapist, took me home and I don't remember when I had fallen asleep, but..." I nodded. "So, here's the reason for this sour face!" I squished Minho's lips but he just removed my hand from his face violently and looked away.

"What's the gossip?"

"Last night I received a friend request... From... Pinkpassion." Seungmin said and looked at me.

"The girl?" Felix inquired.

"I guess so..." Seungmin shrugged. Then, my eyes were pinned on the boy who just entered the cafeteria. Two girls were walking next to him and were commenting on his muscles.

"He's so short, but so sexy!" Seungmin whispered, but everyone heard him and we started laughing. "But he's short! That's not sexy." He said and stood up to throw away the papers that were wrapped around the sandwiches. Then, we heard the bell and we all got up, heading into different directions for our next class.

Hyunjin's POV
Seoul, Korea
20 October 2028

I parked my car in front of Jisung's school and got out of it. I rested my body on it and looked around. The yard was still empty because there were 10 minutes left before the class was over. I had a free afternoon so I decided I didn't want to wait for him to finish his shift so I called his boss to inform him that Jisung wasn't coming today. He was far from happy but I couldn't care less about his feelings and if he liked what I was telling him or not. I heard the bell and soon the students started going out of the school. I was dying to see the one I was waiting for and it wasn't long before I saw him and his friends. They stopped next to one of the benches and some sat on it. I started walking towards them, feeling all of the eyes on me. I smirked, hearing the whispers about me and continued approaching Jisung. One of the boys pointed in my direction and when my boy turned he looked more than surprised.

"Hey, love." I smiled at him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me when I stood in front of him.

"I'm here to pick you up for a date." His friends were looking at us, not knowing what to say.

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