Chapter 164

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Taeyong's POV
23 November 2028
Seoul, Korea

Me and Yuta were in the car, on our way to the restaurant where we were supposed to meet Keeho's parents. I put my hand over his and he intertwined our fingers.

"I hope they are not homophobic," Yuta mumbled, making me look at him. "Not because of us." He hurried to add. "But I don't want them to forbid Keeho from talking with Shota."

"Well, they will have to accept their future son-in-law because Shota is not going to let Keeho that easily." I joked and Yuta chuckled. "Just like his father," I winked.

"You are right." He nodded. "Are there homophobic people in 2028?" He asked suddenly.

"I have no idea. I hope they are not." I sighed and he parked in front of the restaurant. "Here they are. Five minutes earlier." I showed them to Yuta.

"I like them already." He whispered. We gave them a little more time so they could get out and enter. We didn't want to meet in front of the restaurant.

After we made sure they were in we got out of the car and walked into the restaurant, approaching their table.

"Mr. and Mrs. Yoon?" Yuta asked even though we already knew who they were.

"Mr. Nakamoto?" The man inquited, switching his eyes between me and Yuta.

"Yes, nice to meet you. This is Lee Taeyong. My partner." He explained and I bowed to both of them.

"Sit down." Mr. Yoon told us and we sat on the two empty chairs in front of them.

"Thank you for agreeing to meet here. We are really happy that you accepted the invite." Yuta smiled and I nodded.

Sitting across from Mr. and Mrs. Yoon in the cozy ambiance of the restaurant, I watched as Yuta engaged in polite conversation with a genuine smile. The air was pleasantly filled with the aroma of delicious dishes being served, the clinking of cutlery, and the soft murmurs of other diners. Mr. Yoon had a warm presence, his eyes crinkling at the corners when he laughed, and his voice resonated with a deep, hearty timbre.

"I hear you both have busy schedules, just like us," he commented, and I nodded in agreement. Mrs. Yoon was equally amiable, her graciousness evident in how she made everyone feel at ease.

"Oh, absolutely. Sometimes it feels like we're all just racing against time, doesn't it?" I smiled in response, grateful for her relatable outlook.

Despite my initial trepidation, their welcoming demeanor made it easier to navigate the unfamiliar territory of this encounter. "It's wonderful to finally put faces to the names Keeho talks about so often," Mr. Yoon said, and I felt a warmth in his words that put me at ease.

"Oh?" I got confused.

"Yeah. Apparently, your son talks a lot about you two." Mr Yoon let us know.

As the conversation flowed, I found myself engrossed in their stories and the exchange of anecdotes about our sons and their shared interests. We spoke about school, hobbies, and aspirations, bridging the gap between mere acquaintances and parents who had a vested interest in the lives of their children. I listened intently to Mr. Yoon's tales of Keeho's soccer games, his animated retelling carrying an unmistakable sense of pride.

"He's really passionate about it," I chimed in, glad to find a common ground. Mrs. Yoon chuckled, sharing her experiences of trying to sneak vegetables into his meals, an endeavor I could empathize with all too well. Their easy camaraderie was contagious, washing away any lingering unease. Yuta's laughter and genuine engagement in the conversation bolstered my own confidence.

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