Chapter 67

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Hyunjin's POV
2 November 2028
Seoul, Korea

"Enough!" I said and closed the door. "I need to know what's going on." Jisung looked at me. He was the only guy who could drag me out of my comfort zone quickly. Even if I was going to tell him that I wasn't okay with him and his friend acting like that, he would just yell at me and make me shut up. Not because I didn't have anything to say, but because he was the only thing that was making me become my younger self.

"What are you talking about?" He asked me and went straight to the sofa, lying on there and taking one of the blankets and rolling in it as if he was a burrito.

"What did you do? And why? You know I don't like him!" I hummed and went closer. "You bloody know!" He looked at me confused.

"I know that neither you're my boyfriend nor I am yours. So, please let me live my life!" He hissed and looked at me. He looked like a squirrel. A very angry and ridiculous squirrel. "So?" He looked at me. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Are you drunk?" I asked calmly. I went closer and sat next to him, cupping his face with my hand and making him look straight in my eyes. I smiled a little bit, because he was making faces.

"No. And it's because you took me to that freezing cold room!" He rolled his eyes. I knew it would be bad if he stays here one more night, but I preferred him to be here rather than to spend the time with his friend who almost fucked him on the fucking table in front of everyone.

"One more question and I'll let you sleep in peace in my room."

He started playing with his fingers. I didn't know how to ask him and I was more than pissed off, but I tried my best to keep my anger only for myself. Eyes slowly looking up at me, as my words slipped out the way I didn't want to.

"What's up with you being always cold?"

I was terribly sorry about my question the moment he heard it. I was terribly sorry the moment my words slipped out of my mouth even though I tried to find a better way to say this. I was dying to know more about him and he wasn't letting me get to know him and tonight I felt like I was losing him.

"I want to go home." He said suddenly. I felt miserable as he started to shiver a bit. Something in me changed and I wanted to get closer and hug him. But the moment I thought about that I remembered him on the table with his friend sticked to his body.

"Answer me!" I demanded, my voice going up. I heard someone behind me and turned just to see Wonho standing there. "Why are you here?" I asked him and he made a move with his head to make me get out of the room. As soon as we went out, he looked at me.

"Someone killed them."

"Killed who?"

"The boys. Rock, Scissors, Paper." Wonho spoke. "I saw you leaving and Chan made me come after you. I told him that the boys are behind you and follow you even when I'm not around, but then he told me that recently he hadn't seen them around you." He continued telling me what had happened, but I just nodded.

"Okay... Find more men. I will try to find who killed them. But how do you know they're not abroad or..."

"Mr Hutchshock watched something about them being dead on the news." He explained and shrugged. "Of course you never know if he's telling the truth, but Chris can ask him."

"Chris won't go to the clinic. Not after Holy being like that." I said and sighed. "Hutchshock should be damned if he's lying to me!" I hissed and looked at Wonho with an angry face. "Did he spoke with Hutchshock?" I asked quieter.

"No. I think his cousin spoke with her dad who had spoken with Hutchshock."

Hutchshok was a legend. A very distinctive legend here in the mafia world in Seoul, but he was old, broke and in a psychiatric clinic where he was put instead of jail, because his men did the best they could to get him out. Sadly, a few months after getting there, he had become one of them. A crazy old man with literally no one and nothing, because my uncle took everything he owned.

Scent Of a Man | HyunSungOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora