Chapter 144

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Seonghwa's POV
21 November 2028
Seoul, Korea

I was walking towards the police station while talking on the phone with Taehyung. He called me to tell me that he needed me again, this time something that the boss wanted and not work with a particular client. I got inside the building and while we were discussing the time when I was supposed to go there, I saw Mr. Han and greeted him, continuing to my office. Nothing was going to ruin my day. Not even my father.

Or so I thought...

"Okay, so tomorrow at three?" I questioned and Taehyung assured me that it was right. "I'll tell my boss and I'm most certain that there won't be any problems, however, I'll tell you if there is something."

"Call me." He said and after I replied that I will, the call ended. As I was telling him bye I entered the office and the first thing I saw was that San was already there. Then my eyes landed on the flowers on my desk and I rolled my eyes.

"You have a present," San mumbled and I groaned, walking to my desk and moving the flowers away. What was he even thinking? That I had where to put them? He was doing nothing but wasting his money and killing the poor flowers.

I paused for a second and tried to calm down.

"Are these your favorite flowers?" San asked me calmly. I had no idea what had happened with him since yesterday, but at least he didn't mock me. His eyes were pinned on the screen in front of him as he was clicking with the mouse.

"Yes. Sadly, I have to throw a second bouquet away." I muttered and took a deep breath.

"Wait," San got up and left the room. I sat and started working, sunken into thoughts about San's current idea. When he came back, holding a vase and smiling in front of me like an idiot, I got it. He wanted me to keep them.

"No way..." I hissed.

"Pretend I bought them for you," San whispered.

"And did you?" I asked him, crossing arms.

"No, but..." He sighed. "They have been cut anyway and they will die eventually. If pretending they were from me would help you to at least admire their beauty then do it." He shrugged, standing in front of my desk.

"Thank you, San," I mumbled, smiling. When he raised his eyes and met mine he smiled too. "And thank you for the flowers." I chuckled and he followed me.

"I got up early to buy them." He joked, making me laugh. Maybe the day was really not going to be that bad after all.

"Idiot." I shook my head.

"Why is everyone calling me an idiot?!" He exclaimed, going to his desk.

"I thought only I was calling you an idiot," I laughed.

"Nah, my best friend calls me this all the fucking time." He hissed. "But he is a bigger idiot, trust me." He mumbled.

I smiled. Now when he was no longer looking at me I could smile and imagine that I came here and saw the flowers—a gift from San, who just wanted to make me feel good.

Chan's POV
21 November 2028
Seoul, Korea

I sent Holy off to school and sat on the sofa, unlocking my phone and going directly to my messages with Felix. I hadn't seen him for almost the whole week and despite the fact that I wanted to be inside of him a little too much, I was starting to get worried. He was rarely answering my messages, he wasn't even seeing them. Which wasn't Felix at all. I tried calling a few times, every call finishing within a minute with him telling me that he couldn't talk or that he was busy. I wondered what to do and decided to try my luck and text him before calling him.

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