Chapter 65

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Felix's POV
2 November, 2028
Seoul, Korea

We walked into the bar and Lino grabbed mine and Jisung's hands, pulling us towards the bartender so we could order drinks. Jisung was looking around, probably looking for Hyunjin.

"Guys!" He yelled and Minho stopped, turning around to look at him. "Hyunjin is over there, let's go to say hi."

"Why would you want to go there?" Lino became mad in a second.

"I want to just greet him, that's all. I can't pretend I don't know him." Jisung crossed his arms.

"Yes you can!"

"Lino, we are not in kindergarten." I told him and the fact that I was on Jisung's side made him even angrier.

"I don't want to see him." He groaned and made a few steps forward. "You two, go there. Me, Jeongin and Seungmin will go and order drinks." He finally said and walked away. We went to see Hyunjin and what I saw there got me thinking if Jisung was already in love with him.

He was ready to step next to Hyunjin when one of the guards blocked his way.

"I can go there." He told the man and another one told him he can let us go closer to Hyunjin.

"Thank you, Wonho." Jisung smiled a bit and sat next to Hyunjin. The man turned with a surprised look and wrapped his hand around Jisung's shoulders.

"What are you doing here, love?" He asked with a smile.

"Uh," Jisung mumbled. "Came to say hi. So, hi!" He waved. "I'm here with Felix and my friends, over there!" He pointed at Lino, Seungmin and Jeongin who were laughing and drinking already. "It would be rude if I didn't come here," he continued talking, but I noticed a guy who approached and sat next to Hyunjin. I had seen him already but this was the first time I was able to see him that close. His blond hair was perfectly shaped back, his eyes were wandering around and when they stopped on me I froze. I chuckled. I felt myself getting red and tried to hide.

"Well, hi." Hyunjin chuckled. Then he said something else to Jisung but I was too busy to stare at the guy. His body was amazing and his muscles were making him look even hotter. He had a mark on his forehead. I wondered how he got it. He suddenly met my eyes and I hurried to look away, really ashamed.

Soon, Hyunjin let Jisung go and I was forced to go, even though I didn't want to.

"Come on!" Jisung grabbed my wrist and we went downstairs to the bar, where we saw the guys talking and drinking. I chuckled and grabbed one of the full glasses and drank all of it.

"Hyunjin is paying for the alcohol!" I raised the empty glass.

"No, he is not." Jisung hit my shoulder. "So shut up."

"But why not!" I whined.

"You have your own money, you are paying for what you are drinking." My friend told me and I sighed.

"You are boring."

"I saw you!" Jisung snorted. "I saw you and don't think I'm dumb. Want me to talk to him?" He asked, but I had no clue what was going on. I just shrugged and drank another glass.

"Why did you even go there?" Minho asked and grabbed one of the glasses. He chuckled and looked at Hyunjin. "I can kill him!"

"No, you can't!" Jisung looked at him as if he was crazy. "They won't even let you come near him."

"I don't regret going there to be honest." I smirked.

"I saw..." Jisung sighed.

"I need to see him again." I mumbled drinking the third full glass in front of us and I saw Seungmin raising his eyes from his cell phone screen. He looked at me and crossed his arms. "You were literally drowned in your phone!" I said in my defense.

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