Chapter 12

164 13 3

Jisung's POV

12 October, 2028

Seoul, Korea

"Hey, cutie!" Hyunjin smiled a little bit as he looked at me. He was only wearing tight black jeans and a shirt. "Now I feel so bad..." He mumbled and rushed to open the door for me.

"Hi to you too, but please let's go as soon as possible, because there's a woman in my house that's probably curious what am I doing with you."

Thankfully, he wore a hat and his hair wasn't even visible. Hyunjin opened the door for me and I sat in his car, making myself comfortable and putting on the seatbelt.

"So, are you excited?" He asked, as soon as he entered the car. I shrugged. I had no clue what the hell we were doing today, how could I be excited?

"Maybe." I answered and looked through the window. "Can we go already?"


When we left, he asked me about the butler. At first I wasn't even sure what he was talking about and I had to ask him two times what he meant.

"The woman. You said that there was a woman in your house and..." I laughed.

"Yeah, she's helping my father while my mum is not here. She's making me study and I am mad about that, but Italy is waiting for me, I have to study so that I will finally be able to go there." I answered and smiled a bit. Thinking about Italy was making me happy everytime.

"Is your mom always away?" He asked me after a while.

"No, she's working mostly here. But this time she's in Daejeon for a while." I mumbled. "I'm not used to being without her, but she's gonna be back here. And the woman is helping a lot." I said and looked at him. "What about you? Your parents and you, do you have a strong relationship?" I asked.

He didn't even try to look at me for a moment. He was staring at the road as we were driving through the streets of Seoul.

"I don't like talking about my family."

I stood quiet. It was my first attempt to make him tell me something about himself, he was the one to always ask some things. But my first attempt turned out to be shit. So I preferred to stay quiet. I didn't even look at him for a long time. It was so awkward.

"We're here!" He said and I looked around us. There was nothing more than a little harbor, three small boats tied on it.

"Boats?" I mumbled.

"Yes. You're not scared of the water, are you?" He asked me, and I nodded.

"No, I'm not scared of it." I mumbled and he smiled.

"Okay." He went out and opened the door for me. I thanked him and I followed him to one of the boats. The man sitting there probably knew him, so when we came closer, they started talking.

"Number 13?"

"As always." Hyunjin replied and we went on one of the boats.

"Whenever you feel scared that something would be cold, try to touch it and if it's cold remove your hand from it..." I could hear my therapist telling me. She was trying to make me feel even worse with the way she was talking with me. I hated that she wasn't even believing in me. I wasn't believing in myself either, I knew that I would never live like I lived three years ago, but I was trying.

"Jisung?" Hyunjin called me and I looked at him suddenly. He may have asked me something, because his face was just like he had been waiting for an answer. My little "mm" was so quiet, I wasn't even sure that he heard it. But he smiled and took the oars. He started boating through the river.

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