Chapter 118

90 8 6

Jisung's POV
16 November 2028
Seoul, Korea

"Love," Hyunjin whispered in my ear and I hugged him tighter. "Are you alright?"

"Finally..." I whispered back and he also hugged me tighter. His lips placed a kiss on my head and I melted.

"It's cold, do you want to go in the car?" He asked me after a while and I just nodded.

He opened the door and I sat on the seat. When he drove off he looked at me for a second.

"Do you want us to go home? Or do you want to go somewhere specific?"

"I don't care where. I needed to be with you." I couldn't believe these words came out of my mouth but they were the truth, no matter how much I was trying to lie to myself.

"We can also go outside of town. I have blankets with me." He suggested.

At first, I was thinking about telling him to take me to his house but I liked his last idea more. Especially the fact it was going to be only the two of us.

"That sounds good." I smiled a bit. I didn't have the strength to do more.

His hand left the steering wheel and took mine, intertwining our fingers. His thumb rubbed my skin.

"Will you tell me?" He whispered, I felt him looking at me.

"Huh?" I asked him and he pulled the car over. "About today?"

"About your life, love, I want to get to know you!" He whispered. I looked straight ahead and saw the beautiful view.

"We haven't been here," I started, changing the topic.

"As I said, fifty dates mean fifty different locations," Hyunjin told me and I chuckled.

"We're not on a date today," I whispered and he nodded.

"We are not. But we are together and I don't want to take you somewhere we've already been." He explained and a ridiculous thought came to my mind. I couldn't stop it, and it slipped out of my lips as a question.

"Have you come here with others?"

"With my best friend only." He whispered. "I haven't taken many people out. And usually, I take them to restaurants."

"Why?" I looked at him and he chuckled.

"Because all they care about is money."

"And you think I am different?" I asked and Hyunjin nodded. "Why?"

"If you wanted my money you wouldn't have told me to leave you. Plus, I have never fallen for someone like I did for you." His eyes were pinching holes through me while my heart was beating fast.

I undid my seat belt and crawled to the backseat. There were a lot of blankets. I took one and looked at him.

"Aren't you coming?" I asked as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Hyunjin chuckled but did the same as I did and sat beside me. "Hug me," I mumbled and gave him the blanket. He put it over our shoulders and I lay on his chest while his arm was around my shoulder.

"Are you warm?" Hyunjin whispered after a while.

"So warm..." I mumbled and raised my head to look at him. With his free hand, he caressed my cheek. I felt as if the whole world had stopped moving and it was only me and him. "Kiss me," I whispered and his soft lips touched mine. They were moving at a slow pace but it was exactly what I needed. When we broke the kiss our eyes met and I realized how easily it was for me to get lost in his. "Thank you for coming."

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