Chapter 8

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Kris' POV
10 October 2028
Incheon, Korea

"No way, Z." I hissed and he rolled over on my desk. "Kitty cat, I told you that I don't have time for this now," I mumbled. No matter how he was making me feel at the time I wasn't free to do whatever he wanted to.

"I can't wait until you come home after meeting Sam." He muttered and sat on the desk crossing his long legs. I breathed in and came closer to him.

"I'm meeting Sam sooner than you think," I whispered to his ear and he looked at me with a confused smile. "I will be home earlier, he told me that he's not going to be in the club tonight."

"Why?" Tao asked me and I shrugged.

"Some business I guess," I told him and kissed him. "Go take a rest, I will need your full power later and also, I have some tasks for you for tomorrow," I caressed his neck and smiled. "Okay?"

"Cool." He said and left right after me. I locked my office and both of us exited the building, each of us heading into different ways. A few steps later, he stopped and came back to me. He looked at me with a smile.

"Can I go out with a friend?" He asked as if he was a kid. "I don't know who, but I don't want to miss another day with the sun and..."

"Why are you asking me?" I asked him and he looked down. Oh, yeah, I knew why.

"I don't want you to ask me to go out, but please don't go out with your ex behind my back."

Not once I had shown him how jealous I was. I wasn't only jealous, but I was going crazy when I heard he had been out with his ex. I knew they didn't hate each other, but the last time I had to save him from her men.

"Briana is in Chile." He said and I nodded.

When me and Tao started working together neither of us knew about the sexual orientation the other had. I didn't tell him I was gay and he didn't tell me he was bisexual either. I had a task for him in Italy and I knew that he would do everything great, but I didn't know about Briana.

Her father used to be my partner and I sent Tao to kill him. Instead, he ran away with Briana. I wasn't surprised he did it, but then someone told me that Briana had a plan to kill him. I went to save him and... The other part of the story is history.

"I hope so. If you ever try to go out with her again..."

I had to save him from her three times by now. He knew how much I hated her.

"I won't. By the way, I heard that her dad was dead." He said and smiled. "Do you have something in common with the situation?"

"No, her dad is still alive, Tao. And no of course you won't see her. Go, I have work to do. I will be home by six." I smiled and left him. He walked away to "not miss another sunny day" or whatever his reason was.

Jisung's POV
10 October 2028
Seoul, Korea

It was a typical Tuesday night and today this guy didn't come to see me. I was working with Mila again and we were playing games that were for the customers and people usually come here mostly to play the board games that we had. There was no one in the cafe, except for me and Mila, and of course, our boss - Heo Jeong, because people were already gone. Mila had only half an hour until her shift was over, and I had two hours and a half.

"Jisung, Mila!" I could hear Mr. Heo from the stairs that lead to his office upstairs.

"Yes?" I asked him and he looked around.

"Clean and go." He said coldly.

I nodded and put all the pieces from the game "Trouble" in its box and looked at Mila.

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