Chapter 104

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Tao's POV
14 November, 2028
Incheon, Korea

I was resting when I heard the front door open. I got up carefully and went there. Three days ago, I fell in the bathroom and broke my leg, so now I was even more restricted. Not that Kris didn't like the fact that I had to stay at home, but he also gave me a to-do list for our wedding to keep me entertained. If I wasn't home alone and I didn't wet the floor in the bathroom myself, I would think that he planned this to happen.

I got up and went to the door, just to see him entering home. Kris looked tired, and I knew that something other than work happened to him.

"Hey," I caressed him, and he shook his head, taking my hand and removing it. He looked as if he didn't want to talk to me. "Kris? What's happening?" I asked quietly, but he locked the door, and then his eyes finally met mine. "Baby?"

"Three of our men are killed. For some reason, I think that this is Brianna." Kris whispered. "I know that you're home, but I'm scared that something might happen to you. Today, I asked some of my men to track her down. Hopefully, she won't kill them all."

"Brianna shouldn't be worrying you. You just have to trust me." I whispered and made him kiss me. After the little peck he left on my lips, he groaned that he wanted a shower. I let him go and sadly returned to the place I was previously laying at.

After half an hour, Kris came to me. He seemed better, and I loved the way he looked, only wearing a towel around his waist. He came to me, sat down, and hissed.

"The dinner is on the counter."

He didn't get up. He just kissed me.

"What happened with the invitations?" I heard him whisper.

"They are ready." I took the invitations from one box where I hid them in, and he started talking a look at them as if this was the most interesting thing ever.

Jisung's POV
14 November, 2028
Seoul, Korea

"So," He asked me as we entered his home. I smiled a bit and met Kkami. The dog was happy to see me, and when I took him in my hands, I looked at Hyunjin, who was just smiling at us. "What are we gonna do now?"

But before I got an answer, Chan appeared from somewhere. He looked stunning!

Wait, is he going out with Felix? I think I should let Felix know that this man is dressed like a fucker!

"Oh, hi!" Chan said to me and looked at Hyunjin even before I was able to say anything. "I'm leaving you two. Please don't break anything!" He said. "Oh, and tell me if you need the hours for yourself," He smirked and then he left, not even waiting for us to say anything.

"As if he is going to come home tonight." Hyunjin chuckled and I looked at him. I probably seemed confused because he started talking again. "I think he will go out with his sex toy. So... he will probably come home tomorrow morning."

I nodded and took my phone out, texting Felix.

Sunggie: are you going out with him tonight?

Sunggie: can't believe I'll say this

Sunggie: especially about him

Sunggie: but Chan looked so fine

I put my phone in my pocket again and looked at Hyunjin.

"So, what are we going to do?" I asked and he smiled.

"We are going to decorate for Christmas."

"For what?" I exclaimed because I didn't think I had heard him right.

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