Chapter 11

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Jisung's POV

Seoul, Korea

12 October, 2028

I entered the room where me and my therapist were meeting. The warm and nice smelling air broke into my face and I smiled. I was sleepy and I knew that this warm atmosphere would be the perfect habitat for my sleepy ass to fall asleep while she's talking about something. I sat on the couch I was sitting on every time I was here. She looked at me with a questioning look and I realized that I had to take off my jacket.

"Good morning, Jisung," she smiled and I took my jacket off smiling a little bit at her. "What's going on? You look like you're still sleeping."

I sighed.

"Kind of." I whispered and my phone rang. I took it to see who it was and it was my mother.

"Take it." The woman said and I picked up.

"Jisung, are you on time?" My mom asked me and I sighed.

"Yes, mom. I'm on time." I said and she let out a deep sigh in relief. "Ugh, one minute later, but on time."

She asked me why I came so late, but I told her that I had to hang up the phone.

"I'm sorry, my mom is always like that." I spat and looked at the woman. She was smiling at me.

"You look different." She noted. What did she mean by this? I looked the same as I did last week. Or at least I thought so.

"Yes, I'm sleepy. Something that you can not see in me every day." I said, trying not to sound like I wanted to confront her. She chuckled and stood up starting to walk towards me.

"Since I am a psychologist, I can tell that you're not only sleepy. Most probably you're happy about something. Maybe something that happened a while ago?" She asked me and I shook my head in denial.

"I'm sleepy." I said and she smiled.

"Yes, you are." She whispered. "I clearly can see it. But what... What is the reason?" She asked me.

Him. This was the first thing that came into my mind. From the very beginning of our first date, to the very end, he looked like... Boyfriend material. I had no words to describe it, I still have no words to say what I saw. I felt kind of special. And thinking about it, made me smile.

"A girl?" The therapist asked me.

A man. A fucking man, at least fifteen years older than me and fucking sexy...

I gulped. I told myself to stop thinking about him. I wanted to stop. I wanted to ignore it. And at the same time I had no control over this. I felt so defenseless in that situation.

"Come on, Jisung, you come here one minute later and you look like a teenager in love. There must be a girl in this picture!" The woman kept on trying to make me speak. I didn't trust her enough to tell her. I didn't trust her enough to even lie to her. I gulped and looked up. "Fine, you're not going to tell me." She shrugged and sat on her desk. "How's the environment here?" She asked me and I smiled.

"Fine." I said.

"Just fine? You use more than just fine to describe it. Sometimes you say that it's even too warm." She started and I stopped listening to her, going back to my thoughts from last night. I wasn't ready to realize that I wasn't even mad at him for touching me. I wasn't ready to accept my own thoughts at this time. I felt like he wanted me to be safe. I felt like he cared. Like he really cared. Not like my dad, when he's asking me if I was good. That was nothing in comparison with what I felt last night. His hands were so warm and soft. Like a girl's hands, not like a man's hands. His skin was so touchable.

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